Car steering

Abstract: Meister Eckhart – Spiritual Sermons and Discourses Studying in Paris
Abstract: Meister Eckhart – Spiritual Sermons and Discourses Studying in Paris

Meister Eckhart – Spiritual Sermons and DiscoursesTranslation from Middle High German by M.V. Sabashnikova.Ein mensche klagte meister...

Recipes for baked and fried pasta and pasta dishes with pork
Recipes for baked and fried pasta and pasta dishes with pork

Pasta is the simplest and most classic dish. It’s hard to surprise anyone with such a concoction. But it’s worth cooking them with pork...

Adjustments to sales and receipts from previous periods
Adjustments to sales and receipts from previous periods

Important! If an accountant plans to make adjustments to the previous period and the tax is not underestimated, then adjusting tax data in 1C...

Characteristics of creativity and main features of style
Characteristics of creativity and main features of style

From the very beginning of his career, Georgy Vasilyevich Sviridov paid attention to vocal and choral music. Romances based on Pushkin's poems...

School and separate education - arguments and facts With both hands and head
School and separate education - arguments and facts With both hands and head

Exclusive interview with the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva. When will the nursery open again? How will the grabber-rectors be punished? Why...

July from Antiquity to the 16th century
July from Antiquity to the 16th century

The first known calendar of Ancient Rome is Romulus. It is believed to have appeared around the 8th century BC. and was named Romulus in...

Flower honey and its medicinal properties and contraindications What does flower honey come from?
Flower honey and its medicinal properties and contraindications What does flower honey come from?

Honey is a storehouse of beneficial properties. Sweet medicine is used in the treatment of various diseases, for prevention, and simply as...

Recipe: Mille-feuille cake - French mille-feuille cake “My Generale!
Recipe: Cake

Mille feuille is a dessert made from puff pastry and topped with butter cream, fresh fruit or berries. By...

Marina Militare in the 21st century
Marina Militare in the 21st century

Italian Navy General leadership of the naval forces is entrusted to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, direct...

Recipe: Stuffed Rigatoni - Italian Delight
Recipe: Stuffed Rigatoni - Italian Delight

Rigatoni is an Italian pasta shaped like a short tube. Rigatoni resembles our Russian pasta “horns”, only...