Времена группы Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous). Упражнения

Статья позволит вам попрактиковать все времена на английском языке.
Для начала посмотрите примеры спряжения предложения во всех временах.

Пример # 1

I wait for the bus every day. Present Simple
I waited for the bus yesterday. Past Simple
Maybe I will wait for the bus tomorrow. Future Simple
I am waiting for the bus at the moment. Present Continuous

I was waiting for the bus when you called. Past Continuous
I will be waiting for the bus again this time tomorrow. Future Continuous
I have waited for the bus many times in my life. Present Perfect
I had waited for the bus before I took a taxi. Past Perfect

If the bus doesn’t come, I will have waited for the bus for no reason. Future Perfect
I have been waiting for the bus since 9 o’clock. Present Perfect Continuous
I had been waiting for the bus for an hour when it finally arrived. Past Perfect Continuous
By 10 o’clock, I will have been waiting for the bus for 45 minutes. Future Perfect Continuous

Have you decided to take the train? No, I’m going to take the bus. ‘Going to’ Future


В реальной разговорной и письменной речи сами носители языка используют семь из 12 английских времен, это:

  • Present Simple
  • Past Simple
  • Future Simple
  • Present Continuous
  • Past Continuous
  • Present Perfect
  • Present Perfect Continuous

Пример # 2

She visits London once a year. Present Simple
She is currently visiting London. Present Continuous
She has visited London several times in the past. Present Perfect
She has been visiting London since Monday. Present Perfect Continuous

She visited London 3 years ago. Past Simple
She was visiting London when she met him. Past Continuous
She had visited London once before she moved to England. Past Perfect
She had been visiting London for a few days when she had to return home. Past Perfect Continuous

She will probably visit London next year. Future Simple
She will be visiting London this time next year. Future Continuous
She will have visited London 6 times by the end of this year. Future Perfect
By tomorrow morning, she will have been visiting London for five days. Future Perfect Continuous

Has she arranged her day trip tomorrow? Yes, she is visiting London with the guide. Present Continuous
Has she decide where to go next year? Yes, she is going to visit London again. ‘Going to’ Future

Упражнения на все времена

Упражнение # 1

Проспрягайте предложение во всех временах: I do the laundry.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 1

I do the laundry.
I did the laundry.
I’ll do the laundry.

I’m doing the laundry.
I was doing the laundry.
I will have been doing the laundry.
I’ll be doing the laundry.

I have done the laundry.
I had done the laundry.

I’ll have done the laundry.
I have been doing the laundry.
I had been doing the laundry.

Упражнение # 2

Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.

1. At two o’clock I (go) to the supermarket,
2. I (drive) my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
3. Tomorrow I (eat) sushi.
4. I (be) to Italy.
5. I (drive) home from work every day.

6. He (have) trouble finishing the project.
7. When .. you (arrive) home yesterday?
8. (Have) you (have) your dinner yet?
9. This restaurant (become) very popular.
10. Doctors (discover) cures for many diseases.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 2

1. At two o’clock I went to the supermarket,
2. I was driving my car when I saw my friend and I said ‘hello’.
3. Tomorrow I will eat sushi.
4. I have been to Italy.
5. I drive home from work every day.

6. He is having trouble finishing the project.
7. When did you arrive home yesterday?
8. Have you had your dinner yet?
9. This restaurant has become very popular.
10. Doctors have discovered cures for many diseases.

Упражнение # 3

В каком времени указаны предложения?

1. I drive home from work every day.
2. What did you eat for dinner?
3. I’m driving from work.
4. My brother lives in Chicago.
5. I have never been to space.

6. We’re having a great time on vacation.
7. I’m thinking about taking a trip around the world.
8. I have travelled the world.
9. He will have been eating his pizza.
10. I was recording a class for Youtube when you called.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 3

1. I drive home from work every day. Present Simple
2. What did you eat for dinner? Past Simple
3. I’m driving from work. Present Continuous
4. My brother lives in Chicago. Present Simple
5. I have never been to space. Present Perfect

6. We’re having a great time on vacation. Present Continuous
7. I’m thinking about taking a trip around the world. Present Continuous
8. I have travelled the world. Present Perfect
9. He will have been eating his pizza. Future Perfect Continuous
10. I was recording a class for Youtube when you called. Past Continuous

Упражнение # 4

Найдите ошибки

A) I have travelling the world.
B) This bike cost $50.
C) I am is Australian.
D) Man has been to the Moon.
E) I have been run. 3. The sky is blue. Present Simple
4. I watch the TV. Present Simple
5. How many hours do you work a week? Present Simple
6. He has worked here for 5 years. Present Perfect
7. We have been in a realtionship for three months. Present Perfect
8. I’m going to call Kate after lunch. Present Continuous
9. She has already written 40 books. Present Perfect
10. Mother will bath the baby in a small tub. Future Simple

Упражнение # 6

Проспрягайте предложение: David closes the door.

Правильные ответы к упражнению # 4

Dave closed the door. past simple
Dave was closing the door. past cont.
Dave had closed the door. past perfect
Dave had been closing the door. past perfect cont.
David will close the door. future simple
David will be closing the door. future cont.

Сегодня никуда. Да, овладеть чужим языком – это тяжёлый труд, но оно того стоит.

Знание английского языка открывает множество дверей:

  • нахождение интересной работы, в т.ч. за границей;
  • учёбу;
  • отдых за границей;
  • или просмотр фильмов в оригинале;
  • самосовершенствование.

Но мало заучить правила и слова, нужно знать, как правильно их применять. Особое внимание следует уделить грамматике и упражнениям по ней. Она поможет разобраться в порядке слов, красиво и грамотно выстраивать предложения. Вспомним и закрепим упражнениями.

Определение Present Perfect

  • (Past Indefinite).
  • Второе причастие (II Participle).

Например, to drink (пить) – drank – drunk. Те глаголы, которые не входят в таблицу неправильных глаголов, считаются правильными и во второй и третьей форме к глаголу добавляется окончание –ed.

Существует ряд слов, которые помогают обнаружить предложения Present Perfect в контексте, это :

Построение предложений

Утвердительная образуется так:

Подлежащее + have (has) + глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения.


My family has lived in this house since 1994. Моя семья живёт в этом доме с 1994 года.

образуются по следующей схеме:

Have (has) + подлежащее + глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения?


Has your brother already played that game? Твой брат уже играл в ту игру?

имеет такой вид:

Подлежащее + have (has) not + глагол в III форме + второстепенные члены предложения.


Mother hasn’t cooked breakfast yet. Мама ещё не приготовила завтрак.

Применение Present Perfect

  • Используется для выражения действия, которое свершилось в прошлом, но имеет значение именно сейчас.
    I have read article. Я читал эту статью.
  • Употребляется, если действие началось в периоде, который ещё длится.
    My father has already received his payment in this month. Отец получил зарплату за этот месяц.
  • Если действие происходит впервые, то правильно говорить так:
    It’s the first time I have done it. Я делаю это в первый раз.
  • Если описываются события, которые произошли недавно.
    She has read many novels lately. Она прочитала много романов за последнее время.

Цель упражнений

Чтобы , необходимо сначала выучить грамматику. В противном случае ваша речь будет бедной, неинтересной, и понять собеседника вы не сможете.

Правила, изложенные выше, сначала надо зазубрить, а потом учиться правильно применять. И не только в устной речи.

Упражнения обязательно стоит выполнять в письменном виде, дабы иметь возможность видеть свои ошибки, стать грамотным.

Не ленитесь их выполнять. Старайтесь также читать книги в оригинале, искать и выполнять грамматические упражнения на разные тематики, при любой возможности разговаривать по-английски. При регулярных занятиях вы увидите прогресс.

Упражнения на Present Perfect

  1. Вставьте глагол в правильной форме:
    1. John never … to America before (sail).
    2. Our group … reading for the exam yet (not start).
    3. We… this garage ourselves and have just put it up for sale (build).
    4. You… ever to Colombia (be)?
    5. His son … here in an hour (be).
    6. I… still preparing for the concert (finish, not).
    7. You… Ivanov’s family since they went to Kyiv (see)?
    8. My friends … (leave). They went away half an hour ago.
    9. I… coffee this morning (have).
    10. My grandparents … a lot from 2012 to 2014 (travel).
    11. I… German since childhood (study).
    12. I… on the Black Sea this summer (rest).
    13. How long you … in prison (be)? For about two years.
  2. Поставить глаголы в Present Perfect:
    1. Tom cannot find his pen. He … it.
      1. lost;
      2. has lost.
    2. The pupils … two English books in the original lately.
      1. read;
      2. have read.
    3. The teacher … a new grammar rule this week.
      1. explained;
      2. has explained.
    4. … back today.
      1. came;
      2. has come.
    5. … 2 new houses this year.
      1. built;
      2. have built;
      3. have been building.
  3. Переведите предложения:
    1. Я ещё никогда не был за границей.
    2. Мои родители уже переехали в новую квартиру.
    3. Он ещё не закончил уборку.
    4. Когда я был в командировке, я познакомился с прекрасной девушкой.
    5. Я видел эту комедию трижды.
    6. Ты уже читал сегодняшнюю газету?
    7. Мы играли в компьютерные игры с 1 до 3.
  4. Заполните письмо Рианы глаголами в Present Perfect. Complete Riana’s letter to her American friend. Use the Present Perfect Tense.
    Dear Anny, I _____ (1 not have) a letter from you for a long time. _____ (2 you lose) my address? I bought the new Steps CD at the weekend. I _____ (3 already listen) to it. _____ (4 you hear) it yet? It’s brilliant. There’s a new video too, but I _____ (5 not see) it yet. School is going OK. I _____ (6 just finish) some exams, but the holidays _____ (7 not start) yet. We’re going to Ireland. I _____ (8 never be) there. Write soon with your news. Love Riana


Упражнение 1:

  1. have sailed;
  2. haven’t stared;
  3. have built;
  4. have cooked;
  5. have come;
  6. have been;
  7. has been;
  8. hasn’t finished;
  9. have seen;
  10. have left;
  11. have had;
  12. have traveled;
  13. have studied;
  14. have rested;
  15. have been.

Упражнение 2:

  1. b) has lost;
  2. b) have read;
  3. b) has explained;
  4. b) has come;
  5. b) have built.

Упражнение 3:

  1. I have never been abroad.
  2. My parents have already moved into a new apartment.
  3. He hasn’t finished cleaning yet.
  4. When I was in the business trip I have made the acquaintance with a beautiful girl.
  5. I have seen this comedy three times.
  6. Have you ever read today newspaper?
  7. We have played computer games from 1 to 3 pm.

Здравствуйте, мои любимые читатели.

Сегодня мы будем практиковать очень интересную тему английского языка, с которой у многих возникает куча проблем - «Настоящее совершенное время». А закреплять мы ее будем, выполняя упражнения на Present Perfect . Надеюсь, что после этого вам станет намного легче справляться с этим временем.

Упражнение 1.

  1. I (to be) to their concert twice. Their music is amazing.
  2. I (not/to see) Jane since the day of her wedding. They (to come back) from their honey moon yet?
  3. -Where is your ID Card? -I (to lose) it. They are going to make me another one.
  4. Oh, look! It’s Sarah. I (not/to see) her for a long time.
  5. Jane is on holiday. She (to go) to Ireland.
  6. -Are you going to the medical center? -I (already/to be) there today.
  7. I am waiting for a very important letter. It (not/to arrive) yet?
  8. My father (to start) a new job recently. He is very busy now. I (not/talk) to him for a long time already.

Упражнение 2.

  1. You (to hear) from Melisa recently? - No, she (to go) to China for a seminar and (not/come back) yet.
  2. It was a great weekend. I (to meet) lots of people for the last few days.
  3. It is the first time I (to swim) in the ocean. I (never/do) this before.
  4. You (ever\try) Indian or Chinese food?
  5. I have been very busy with the project recently. So I (not/seen) any of my friends for a long time.
  6. You (ever/to speak) to a famous person in your life?
  7. What is the most beautiful place you (ever/to see)?
  8. I (to give up) smoking last year. I (not\to smoke) since then.

Упражнение 3.

Hello, Josh. I hope you are enjoying your holidays in America. Everything is fine at home. Molly 1. (to receive) the exam results from school recently. She 2. (to get) the highest possible point among all the children. Aunt Franny 3. (to sell) her old car and 4. (already/to buy) a new one. Mother 5. (already/to plan) our next weekend holidays. We are going for a barbeque party. Father 6. (to be) to Paris twice since the time you left. He has so much to tell you. And I 7. (to get) a confirmation letter about my internship in the law firm. So everything is good. Come home. We miss you.

Упражнение 4.

In a result of a lottery win, the life of The Brants has changed completely.

  1. They (to move) to a new big house. Besides, they (to hire) a cleaner and a butler.
  2. Brant (to gain) weight and (to grow) a beard.
  3. Lily Brant (to take up) tennis. She (already/win) the school championship.
  4. John Brant (to join) the football team
  5. Brant (to lose) weight. She (to buy) new clothes and (to join) the reading club.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Ты раньше водил машину?
  2. - Ты когда-либо играла в теннис? - Нет, никогда.
  3. Я читаю газеты каждое утро. Но я еще не читал газету сегодня.
  4. Ты был в Лондоне?
  5. - Как тебе новая учительница? - Я не знаю. Я болела, поэтому еще не встречала ее.
  6. Лили потеряла паспорт. Это второй раз, когда это произошло.
  7. Билли снова звонит своей девушке. Этой третий раз, когда он позвонил ей за этот вечер.

Ну вот, мои дорогие, надеюсь, что вы вдоволь напрактиковались и грамматика 6 и 7 класса с вами прижилась). Ждите следующие практические уроки, а пока я с вами прощаюсь.

До новых встреч.

Упражнение 1.

  1. Have been.
  2. Haven’t seen, have they come.
  3. Have lost.
  4. Have not seen.
  5. Has gone.
  6. Have already been.
  7. Has not it arrived.
  8. Has started, have not talked.

Упражнение 2.

  1. Have you heard, has gone, has not come back
  2. Have met.
  3. Have swum, have never done.
  4. Have you ever tried.
  5. Have not seen.
  6. Have you ever spoken.
  7. Have ever seen.
  8. Gave up, have not smoked.

Упражнение 3.

  1. Has received.
  2. Has got.
  3. Has sold.
  4. Has already bought.
  5. Has already planned
  6. Has been.
  7. Have got.

Упражнение 4.

  1. Have moved, have hired.
  2. Has gained, has grown.
  3. Has taken up, has already won.
  4. Has joined.
  5. Has lost, has bought, has joined.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Have you ever driven a car?
  2. -Have you ever played tennis? - No, I have not.
  3. I read the newspapers every morning. But I haven"t read the paper today.
  4. Have you been to London?
  5. - How"s you new teacher? I don"t know. I was sick, so I haven"t met her yet.
  6. Lily has lost the passport. This is the second time it has happened.
  7. Billy is calling to his girlfriend. This is the third time he has phoned her this evening.

Поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.

Our taxi… by 9 o’clock yesterday morning. Let’s go. The guests already… . They… by the time the meeting starts.

I am tired of waiting. Where you… ? By the time I’m 30 I… a famous scientist. He didn’t remember where he… before the accident.

We… the house by next Tuesday. She… more than 10 pictures already. I wondered if they… the room.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.

Sam… (lose) his keys. So he can’t open the door. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already… (stop). I hope I… (finish) my test by midnight. The film turned out to be much longer than we… (expect). My sister just… (leave) for the bank. The girls were good friends. They… (know) each other for 5 years. Mother… (lay) the table before we come. I never… (try) Japanese food. Ted was so happy because his dream… (come) true. We… (be) to Paris many times.

3. Выберите в скобках подходящее слово или словосочетание. Переведите предложения.

She will have finished her resume… (on Monday/by Monday/last Monday). The aircraft hasn’t landed… (yet/just/already). We have lived in New York… (since/from/for) three years. … (After/Already/Ago) they had eaten the cake, they cleared the table. They will have decorated the Christmas tree… (by the time/before/by then). My uncle has… (already/yet/ago) repaired his car. I haven’t met them… (from/since/for) their wedding. … (By the time/Already/Just) the sun set, the farmers had already stopped working. Have you… (just/ever/yet) been married, Kelly? … (When/How much/How long) has he known her?


Had arrived (Наше такси приехало к 9 часам вчера утром.) The guests have already arrived. (Пойдем. Гости уже прибыли.) Will have arrived (Они придут к тому времени, когда начнется собрание.) Where have you been? (Я устал ждать. Где ты был?) Will have been (К тому времени, когда мне будет 30, я буду знаменитым ученым.) Had been (Он не помнил, где был до несчастного случая.) Will have painted (Мы покрасим дом к следующему вторнику.) Has painted (Она уже нарисовала более 10 картин.) Had painted (Мне было интересно, покрасили ли они комнату.)

Has lost (Сэм потерял ключи. Поэтому он не может открыть дверь.) Had already stopped (Когда я проснулся утром, дождь уже закончился.) Will have finished (Надеюсь закончить контрольную к полуночи.) Had expected (Оказалось, что фильм шел намного дольше, чем мы ожидали.) Has just left (Моя сестра только что ушла в банк.) Had known (Девушки были хорошими подругами. Они знали друг друга 5 лет.) Will have laid (Мама накроет на стол до того, как мы придем.) Have never tried (Я никогда не пробовал японскую еду.) Had come (Тэд был так счастлив, потому что его мечта исполнилась.) Have been (Мы были в Париже много раз.)

By Monday (Она закончит свое резюме к понедельнику.) Yet (Самолет еще не приземлился.) For (Мы живем в Нью-Йорке три года.) After (После того, как они съели торт, они убрали со стола.) By then (Они украсят елку к тому времени.) Already (Моя дядя уже починил машину.) Since (Я не встречал их после свадьбы.) By the time (К тому времени как солнце село, фермеры уже закончили работу.) Ever (Ты была когда-нибудь замужем, Келли?) How long (Как долго он знает ее?)

(1 оценок, среднее: 5.00 из 5)

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Сегодня мы займемся отработкой времен группы Present. Предлагаю вам упражнения на времена группы Present с ответами. Для того, чтобы повторить настоящие времена в английском, вы можете прочесть следующие статьи:

Для отработки каждого из настоящих времен английского языка можете использовать следующие статьи:

Также обратите внимания на следующие материалы:

Настоящее время в английском - упражнения.

Ну что же, переходим к упражнениям по 4 настоящим временам английского языка.

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребив одно из настоящих времен.

  1. What time _____________ (the meeting/end)?
  2. Tomorrow I _____________ (fly) to Moscow to visit my aunt Sally.
  3. Right now he _______ (talk) on the phone.
  4. The Earth __________ (go) round the Sun.
  5. I _________ (look) for my camera for an hour.
  6. Could you close the window? I _____________ (freeze)
  7. The man __________ (paint) the walls all day long.
  8. The coffee ___________ (smell) good.
  9. At the moment we ___________ (take) a walk around a beautiful village.
  10. We _____________ (not/finish) our history project yet.
  11. Kim _____________ (never/be) abroad.
  12. School always _______ (close) for Easter holidays.
  13. I’m exhausted. I _____________ (train) my stomach muscles all morning.
  14. What _____________ (usually/you/do) in your free time?
  15. Look! Your mum ____________ (water) tomatoes in the vegetable garden.

Упражнение 2. Choose the right variant.

1 The boy ___________his homework and now he _________-TV.

a) already has done, watches

b) already does, has watched

c) has already done, is watching

2. They___________ about Russian traditions since the beginning of the lesson.

a) have been talking

3. This is the best conference I ________.

b) have ever been to

c) ever have been to it

4. The postman usually __________ at 9 in the morning. It is half past 9 now but he ___________

a) comes, has not come yet

b) comes, has not been coming

c) is coming, has not come yet

5. They__________ the walls and they ___________nice.

a) have painting, are looking

b) have painted, look

c) have been painting, look

6. The economic situation in the world is already bad and it __________worse.

Упражнение 3. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

It (1) _________ (be) time since my last letter to you. I (2) ____________ (still/work) at ABS and the company (3) _____________ (do well). This is very fortunate as many of my friends (4) ___________ (lose) their jobs. Our savings (5) _____________ (take) a disastrous dive because of the economy. I (6) ____________ (know) the situation everywhere is difficult and I (7) __________ (be) happy I still have a job. My friend Michael and his wife Georgia (8) ______________ (now, live) in Virginia. Michael (9) ______________ (finish) studying massage therapy. He (10) __________ (run) a small clinic in partnership with another woman. He and Georgia (11) _____________ (look) for a full-time job, though, as they (12) _____________ (lose) money also. As I say, many people (13) __________ (have) a hard time now.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения на русский, используя одно из настоящих времен английского языка.

  1. Он смотрит телевизор с самого утра.
  2. Завтра у меня урок английского в 8:00.
  3. Воздух в городе становится все более и более грязным.
  4. Я потерял кошелек.
  5. Её волосы грязные. Она красила дом весь день.
  6. Ты постоянно что-то теряешь!
  7. Ты пишешь сочинение уже два часа.
  8. Я хожу в бассейн три раза в неделю.
  9. Папа чинит машину с самого утра.
  10. Он сломал ногу.

Ответы к упражнениям.

1 does the meeting end, 2 am flying, 3 is talking, 4 goes, 5 have been looking, 6 am freezing, 7 has been painting, 8 smells, 9 are taking, 10 have not finished, 11 has never been, 12 closes, 13 have been training, 14 do you usually do, 15 is watering

1 c, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b, 6 a

1 has been, 2 am still working, 3 is doing, 4 have lost, 5 have taken, 6 know, 7 am, 8 are living, 9 has finished, 10 is running, 11 are looking, 12 have lost, 13 are having

  1. He has been watching TV since the very morning.
  2. Tomorrow I have English class at 8:00.
  3. The air in the city is becoming more and more dirty.
  4. I have lost my wallet.
  5. Her hair is dirty. She has been painting the house the whole day.
  6. You are always losing something!
  7. You have been writing an essay for two hours.
  8. I go to the pool three times a week.
  9. My father has been repairing the car since morning.
  10. He has broken his leg.

Надеюсь, эти упражнения помогли вам систематизировать употребление времен группы Present.