How to check the authenticity of the vehicle title?

Own car- this is the true pride of every car enthusiast. To be able to enjoy a comfortable ride, take care in advance about the preparation of all the necessary documents, in particular for the car.

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What is PTS?

PTS - commonly referred to as a registration certificate, serves as a vivid reflection of the technical characteristics, equipment and other data about the car, and in addition:

  1. Availability of TCP- a direct reason to resort to state registration of a car.
  2. All data about the owner of the car are recorded in the PTS and registration is indicated... Each vehicle has its own passport, which has a unique number, like the car itself. At the factory, the car must be assigned its own VIN code. Read about here.
  3. PTS is a kind of confirmation of the right to own a vehicle... With its presence, you will be able to solve many problems.
  4. We all know that the amount machines in our country cannot be compared... Therefore, each car has its own code. This is how the entire transport is identified. This is the primary role played by the TCP.
  5. And PTS needs an owner y to protect the car from theft or theft. In appearance, the TCP is a simple document, it is printed on a special form, equipped with various degrees of protection. The passport contains 24 columns.

Receipt and conditions of issue

There are a dime a dozen situations when a technical passport is required for transport, but here are the main ones:

  • Buying a new car at a car dealership. The tasks of preparing the document are entrusted to the employees of the trade organization. A ready-made passport is issued together with a car;
  • Import from abroad of cars produced in the territory of another state. In this case, the technical passport must be issued by the customs authority. At the same time, they can put certain marks, for example, on the prohibition of the sale of a car;
  • If you decide to buy a used car from hand or in case of loss, a new PTS is issued by the traffic police;
  • If you want to upgrade your car... Such activities entail a change in technical parameters.
  • Self-assembly of a car- also a reason to get a new title. To obtain a passport in this case, you must first pass certification in an enterprise specializing in the alteration of transport. A number of tests are being carried out that will prove the safety of the car. Only after this procedure is the TCP handed out.

TCP data

The vehicle passport speaks to the smallest detail about the data of the car. The first thing to get stuck on is a match check VIN numbers in the passport with the number indicated on the car.

The number contains 17 characters that literally dot the car. These symbols are located in several areas - under the hood and on the metal frame of the car. The document denotes the engine number.

You can see it in the car itself. on the nameplate power unit.

PTS also has the following vehicle data:

  1. Chassis number;
  2. Brand and model;
  3. A mass that will not be difficult to determine in a car service.
  4. Date of issue.
  5. Auto color.
  6. Engine displacement.

The first thing to pay attention to in PTS

When studying TCP, pay special attention to:

Check in the traffic police

Sometimes only a professional can distinguish a fake PTS from an original one. Therefore, the only sure way out of this situation is to visit the traffic police department and check the vehicle vehicle on the basis of the traffic police. If the owner of the car in every possible way avoids this event, then be careful with such a person, because you can really fall into the clutches of scammers!

The traffic police will acquaint you with all data about the car. You can find out if he was ever listed in theft, check for unpaid fines.

Also in the traffic police you can easily find out relevance of verification of elements a car, for example a body or chassis. You can find out more about everything by making a phone call to the traffic police department.

Online services

A standard check in the traffic police is, of course, a good way to find out more about a car, but no one canceled special online services... You can resort to their help if you want to receive information regarding the car.

The most popular resources are:

  1. The official base of the traffic police has gained a good reputation among motorists. By using the VIN number of the car, you can find out about the presence of unpaid fines, as well as get data about the theft.
  2. No less reputable site where you can find out about the presence of unpaid debts.
  3. At the service of visitors - checking cars that were imported from abroad after 1996.

Please note that the information on these sites may be inaccurate, so it is better to report to the traffic police department than bother yourself wandering around the resources.

Remember that swindlers today are surprisingly accurate in terms of invention. ways of deception, so don't fall into the trap!


To find out the authenticity of the data sheet, pay close attention to the presence of the following elements:

  1. Holograms that should be clear and easy to read.
  2. Passport ornament... It is represented by a specific pattern, which, upon thorough examination, does not lose clarity.
  3. Watermark. Just shine a light on the document with your phone or bring the TCP to the window to see the 3D watermark "RUS".
  4. Volumetric pattern in the form of a rose... You can view it on the reverse side of the TCP. It is impossible to confuse it with anything to the touch. The color of the picture ranges from green to gray depending on the lighting.

One of the most common scammers' tricks is selling a car with a duplicate instead of the original... It is forgivable when the owner of the car lost the original title. But if the car is stolen or it is the subject of a loan agreement, then this is a manifestation of obvious rudeness on the part of the seller.

An effective way of verifying a document for authenticity is inspection of its appearance... Duplicate PTS is practically no different from the original - the same volumetric image, watermarks.

The seller can conceal from you that the car is borrowed and keep it under a veil of secrecy.

In order not to get screwed up, do not lose sight of these facts:

Foreign cars

The abundance of vehicles in our country was produced by foreign companies. Or the option is possible when the car was brought from another country... In this case, the customs service takes over the issue of the TCP.

Pay your attention to the country of origin: if the column contains Belarus or Lithuania, then you have to be very careful. This can mean one thing - the car has undergone a recovery process after an accident.

In the technical passport issued by the customs, there are special marks that speak of restrictions on the sale of cars or on alienation. PTS is certified with a special seal and signature, which must be put by the customs officer.

Now you know all the secrets of how not to fall into the clutches of scammers and don't be fooled... Let the joy not leave you on exciting trips around the night city in a new car!