How to find the VIN code of the car

Almost every vehicle is equipped with a unique seventeen-digit code. How to find out this VIN-code of the car? Today, you can find this number on almost all vehicles. And if it becomes necessary to check the car before buying, then you can find out the VIN by the state number.

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What is this number and why does it consist of seventeen digits and Latin letters? This combination of symbols contains accurate information about the car, and each group of symbols has its own exact meaning. The license plate is absolutely unique and does not appear twice, even on identical cars. Using it, you can check whether your car was a participant in accidents, whether encumbrances were imposed on it,.

After you know where the code is, you can check it in a special system, for example. Owners of not new, but used cars should be especially vigilant.

Where to find the wine code

How to find out the VIN code of your car and where should you look for it? First, you can see it in documents such as:

  • PTS auto;
  • insurance policy;
  • registration certificate for transport.

VIN numbers in official documents and on the car itself must be the same.

In addition, this number must be located on the car itself. The code can be located not in one specific place, but in several at once. You can find the VIN in the following places:

  • under the hood, usually directly on the body;
  • in the trunk, often under the carpet;
  • in the cabin, near the steering;
  • under the trim on the floor, near the driver's seat;
  • on the windshield of the glass;
  • under the wing.

It is worth starting the search under the windshield, since it is most often applied in this area of ​​the body. You need to watch from the side of the driver's seat. Equally popular with manufacturers is the location of the combination on the dashboard.

If there is no code in these parts of the car, you need to look under the hood. Here searches are more extensive. Sometimes it can be located on the engine, and sometimes on a special plate on the body bulkhead that separates the passenger compartment. An equally common case is the presence of a vin number on the doorstep or even on the driver's side door.

It will be more difficult to search for used cars. On those brands that are no longer produced, it can be found in completely different places. One such unexpected location is the steering wheel or even the radiator.

If the searches were unsuccessful, then you need to study the instructions for your unit, of course, if it has been preserved, or other documents on the vehicle.

Remember that this VIN code is not fixed in one place, but in several places at once, so it is worth viewing the entire car. Its main difference is that the number is written in hard-to-reach places. They are inconvenient for reading, which significantly complicates access to the VIN, which means that it is much more difficult for fraudsters to interrupt it.

Find out VIN by state number

You have found an ad for the sale of your dream car, but the buyer does not want to tell everyone who writes the VIN. Of course, you can come to inspect the vehicle and request it right on the spot, and then check all the necessary data. However, the car may be located in another region altogether, and in this case it is too expensive to come in person in order to just look at it.

In such a situation, you can find out the code by the state number. Usually, when a car is photographed, it just hits the scope of the lens. If you have a license plate number in your hands, request a check on any of the portals listed below.