In the summer - a scooter, a snowmobile in winter. How to assemble a snowmobile from a scooter with your own hands snowmobile with your own hands with a scooter

In the regions with large snowfall in winter, it is impractical to use two-wheeled vehicles. But the car is not always needed. In such cases, a snowmobile comes to the rescue, but this type of transport is expensive. If you wish, you can make a snowmobile with your own hands, and the ways how to do it, a lot.

How to make a snowmobile

You can make a snowmobile from different vehicles that stand in the garage.

From motorcycle

You can make a snowmobile from a motorcycle using different models for this. The most popular are IL and Urals. The advantages of such alterations are that it is not necessary to make special changes. With good maintenance, the funds can be left even a native frame.

Alteration technology:

  1. Metal pipes or appropriate corners make a rectangular frame. Its optimal dimensions - 150 * 43.5 cm.
  2. In addition to the IL motorcycle, it is necessary to make a steering beam. Made it from metal corners. Optimal dimensions - 50 * 50 * 5 mm. Additionally, the beam is cured with metal linings.
  3. After that, it can be installed on the drilling machine horizontally. Process the connection location. In the same way to do with the frame. In these places you need to make special grooves for reliable fixation. Additionally to the front frame to attach the corner.
  4. Now you can secure the seat for motorcyclists.
  5. You need to make holes in the spars.
  6. Between the front and middle part of the frame, you must arrange a channel to strengthen the design.
  7. Regardless of whether a snowmobile from the "Ural" or another motorcycle model is made, it is necessary to choose a caterpillar star and rubber tape in advance. Optimal dimensions - 220 * 30 cm with a thickness of not more than 1 cm.
  8. Before installing the caterpillar, it is recommended to entee a chipboard, which will allow the material not to be separated during operation.
  9. Now you can go to the transmission. It consists of two parts. The first - front axle, is the lead. It is made of tubular shaft, caterpillar stars and rink. Second - rear axle. It is made of a caterpillar drum and a tubular shaft.
  10. Finish the process of making a snowmobile is needed by welding ski from sheet metal.

When the motorcycle is reworked in a snowmobile, it is important not to change the steering system. In the final product, this part must perform its initial functions.

The principles of alteration are the same, they do not depend on the model of transport. But the snowmobile from the Ural motorcycle will be heavier.

From Zhiguli.

The design of the car is characterized by simplicity, ease of control and high maneuverability. For manufacture, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. Assembling frame. It is better to make it from the pipes. A frame of anterior and central beams (steel pipes with a diameter of 5 cm), two lower diagonal elements (bent pipes with a diameter of 3 cm) and the rear pan. For fixing elements use welding.
  2. Installing steering columns. To do this, you need two sleeves on the front beam.
  3. Fixing semi-axes. It is located on the rear frame, it is pre-welded the body for it. It is made of a metal pipe with a diameter of 6 cm. Fix the semi-axes with the help of sleeves and electrostaslary.
  4. Installing the engine from the car. Previously, you need to make the front and rear fasteners on the central beam. First, they need to be located on the engine itself, but only then welcome to the frame.
  5. In a homemade snowmobile, you can set the wheels of a large diameter or skis from the metal sheet. In the first case, the rear and front wheels need to pairwise connect the metal pipe. At the same time, in the hub, make a groove under bearings, which subsequently fix the spring rings. Additionally, set the spacer bushing between the bearings.
  6. On each wheel, install an asterisk depending on the expected maximum speed. Such a snowmobile can be used at any time of the year. For the snowy winter, the design is suitable in which the front wheels are replaced by skiing.
  7. Installing the steering system. It is taken by a solid car, for example, from Zaporozhets, or a motorcycle. The choice depends on personal preferences. In the first case, gas, clutch and brake pedals are additionally installed. Transmission control is performed using a lever and tight thrust.
  8. Installing a snowmobile cabin, whose role is performed by car body.

Modern rhythm of life contributed to the fact that the motility scooters acquired wide popularity. Thanks to the engine with a volume of 49 cm3, the ease of construction and ease of control is used by them like young people, moving in the city's property and adults, going on business, to the store or to the cottage. The minus is that with the arrival of winter ride the scooter becomes uncomfortable and dangerous, since the small diameter of the wheels, even on winter tires, does not allow you to confidently control such a vehicle on icing and snow-covered roads.

To solve this problem, install the tracked propeller on the motorcycle to the rear wheel. This will make it possible to turn the vehicle into a snowmobile that can ride in shallow snow.

Snowmobile Caterpillars do it yourself

You can use the Details of the Caterpillar Caterpillar "Buran" (Photo 1)But if such a find it will not be possible, you can purchase a new one. From one such caterpillar you will make 4 blanks. If you have friends-like-minded people, join them and already jointly buy the necessary item. In this case, the cost of the caterpillars for each participant will be noticeably lower.

I contacted the company that supplies the kits of the drivers, and got from them as a spare spare parts for plastic ski without fastening to fork and a non-trap rubber caterpillar.

From the scooter children's snowmobile do it yourself

The design of the scooter does not need to change significantly. This will allow with minimal strength and time and time to return to the standard set of vehicle with the end of winter and again use it in the warm season.

If you do not have lathe and milling machines for the manufacture of necessary parts, you can buy ready-made, or use those that are in your garage and on the disassembly of cars. Also, some elements can be done independently with simple tools and welding machine.

In the shopping spare parts to the snowmobile store, I bought a Snowmaker's slave "Buran" trap. I purchased two more wheels from the standard Chinese scooter for kids and two small rubber wheels with roller bearings from the trolley. The transfer ratio in the transmission of the scooter is designed to operate this vehicle on good roads at a speed of up to 40-60 km / h. When moving along snow-covered roads, the load on the engine will increase, and its power may not be enough, and the speed of 40-60 km / h on snow-covered and slippery roads is generally dangerous. Therefore, I changed the gear ratio, putting a smaller diameter wheel instead of the driving wheel from the sports car map. To do this, I had to cut the brake drum with the slots for the drive shaft from the old rummy disk with slots for the driving shaft and drill in it for fastening a smaller diameter wheels. (photo 2).

So that the caterpillar does not slip and crashed from the wheel while driving, I made special hooks (photo 3)from plastic water pipes, which are included in the openings on the caterpillar. Pick up the rubber tire so that its circumference is painted in a whole number of steps of holes on the caterpillar, almost impossible. I made a bandage of the required diameter from the roofing metal strips, on which with the help of furniture bolts-delay MB with a large hat, at an equal distance from each other, with a step of the corresponding location of the holes on the caterpillar fixed the hook (photo 4). Bandage put on the wheel and attached to the tire with the same bolts (photo 5).

I have an improvised soft leading caterpillar star from the usual wheel.

The slave star I did, connecting the M8 bolts a ready-made plastic leading snowmobile star "Buran" with two rubber wheels from the cart with roller bearings. For the axis came the stud with thread M10 (photo 6).

The frame of the caterpillar propulsion made using metal corners and squares of the square cross section (photo 7). The dimensions of the frame and the various parts do not cite, since those who want to repeat the design will be focused on the brand of their scooter and the size of the caterpillars selected by them.

For my moped, I purchased a special ski from the kit for a motorcycle, but it is quite suitable for the usual wide homemade wooden skiing or plastic - from the children's snow scooter "Argamak", only from the bottom to it, it is necessary to make a metal rider (cut) to make a scooter control. Ski is attached to the front fork of the scooter through a special rack and has two degrees of freedom of motion, so that when the scooter is sloping to the left or right skiing the entire plane remains in the snow.

Plastic skewers in the frost is very fragile and also has pockets. The snow falling in them is falling in the garage, and then freezes, thereby increasing the mass of the scooter. I decided to make a minimal casing over the caterpillar, a wide platform for legs and a decorative flap on the front fork, and I install windshield for long journey to cold and windy weather.

It is easy to make the caterpillar from the fiberglass to the caterpillar, but before gluing the casing, you need to make a matrix. From the size of a piece of plexiglas, polycarbonate or any other plastics, cut the sidewall of the future casing (photo 19).

We put it on a larger sheet that serves as a different wall of the matrix, and with the help of a thermoclaus around the perimeter of the sidewall, plastic plastic corners.

Now cut off the strip of thin and flexible plastic, in width equal to the future casing. We collect the matrix, with glue attached on the corners a previously cut sidewall, bottom and large panel. Detail joints with plasticine. Thus, it turned out a matrix for cutting caterpillar cuts.

Then we cut the fiberglass into pieces of the desired size and, wrapping the epoxy resin, tightly put them in the matrix. After a day, the matrix disassemble and remove the resulting casing. It remains to cut the excess fiberglass over the contour and paint the product.

According to such technology, the foot platform, only added silver powder to epoxy resin to give it viscosity and colors.

This summer of 2016, it was time to re-equip his Chinese scooter () in something more suitable for my long-night fishing trips to the Chusovaya River area. At the beginning of June (), the nerves poured a little bit nerves and fought at the accelerated development of a more suitable vehicle for driving on any roads and even in places where they are not at all ...

During the month, I gathered my motnotes, although so far it is impossible to call it in the full sense by all-terrain vehicles because of the drive only on the rear wheel.

But there is still a lot of time ahead and perhaps the drive on the front wheel will also appear. The design was initially laid in the design.

As a basis, the frame of the scooter is taken, the engine is moved forward. Added homemade rear pendulum, front plug half redone under a wide and large wheel. Rubber applied from the UAZ car, the discs are also converted from the UAZ. Hubs homemade with 203 bearings. Disks without rubber look like this:

Stars and chain from the IL motorcycle.
There is further refinement of the design. Options for facilitating the mass of the resulting motovissee, and to begin with the regitor (). Chopped the tread on the tires that at the same time facilitated the motovissee more than 3 kilograms. Now you need to trim the rubber on the sidewalls of the tire.

At the present first test for Mom-7215 It was a fishing trip to the Chusovaya River, which was successful, not counting a couple of small lining. You can read more about this trip on the page -

The trip revealed the following:

1. The use of large wheels at low pressure increased permeability by an order, and also significantly smooth out the irregularities of the road.

1. Again, due to the wheels, the controllability was reduced, which seems to affect the front fork of lever type and reduced tire pressure. This is especially manifested on solid large irregularities such as broken ruts, large stones (on a flat road there are no control problems). In the future, you may need to try to replace the telescopic fork. Refusal of shock absorbers (as applied on many two-wheeled motovisters) categorically I do not accept.
2. The considerable weight of the wheel assembly requires at least its balancing, because at a speed of about 50 km / h, the non-balanced wheel begins to reflect on the module. It is also necessary to continue to look for the possibility of facilitating the weight of the wheel assembly. Options are ...

5 Yanaba 2018. Winter turned out to be a little snow and I decided to check again if the possibilities of my murothesis at the rolled ski car. What happened from this can be seen on the following video:

To be continued…

The idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a snowmobile from a scooter in itself is not new. It can often be seen in various magazines about motorcycles. If you purchase a tracked engine, then the traditional motorcycle can be easily remand into a snowmobile. Well, if you can convert a motorcycle into a snowmobile, why not try to do the same with a scooter?

As a caterpillar engine, a part is quite suitable from the "Buranovskaya" caterpillars. If the old caterpillar cannot be found, it is quite possible to purchase a new one. However, the cost of the device will increase at times. You can also contact special firms engaged in the delivery of caterpillars and ski for snowmobiles.

In the verified and thoughtful design, everything can be provided in such a way that during the warm season the scooter remains a scooter, and in the winter turned into a snowmobile. Moreover, the process of reworking the scooter in the snowmobile and back should not take a lot of time and strength. It is enough just to remove the caterpillars and skid and put on the place of the wheel.

From the scooter you can use ready-made parts and components, and you can make them with your own hands using a welding machine and a lathe.

Let's talk about the power of the future snowmobile. The gear ratio in the transmission of the scooter provides for the movement on the asphalt at a speed of 40-60 km / h. Obviously, when driving along the snow, the load on the engine will increase. It is possible that the stipulated power of the scooter is not enough. Yes, and ride in ice and snow at high speed dangerous. Therefore, you have to change the gear ratio, by replacing the drive wheel with a smaller wheel. For this purpose, the wheel is completely suitable.

To make some changes to the design, cut out from an unnecessary wheel disc from the moped drum for the drive shaft. It will need to drill holes with which you can fix the smaller disk.

There is a simple solution to the problem associated with the crawler wheel. You can make hooks from ordinary plastic pipes. They will go to snowmobile caterpillars. Since you choose a tire, the circumference of which will approach the number of caterpillar steps is quite difficult, you can do the following. Metal strips are made like a bandage. It needs to be noted equal distances that will correspond to the track of the caterpillar. After that, hooks made of plastic pipes are attached on the band. Bolts are suitable for fixing the hooks. The resulting bandage to the wheels can be attached using the same bolts.

As a slave sprocket, you can use the design of the following type. With the help of M8 bolts, an asterisk from "Burana" is attached to the wheels of garden equipment equipped with bearings. As an axis, the M10 stud was used.
Frame of the future snowmobile is made of corners and pipes. The size of the frame may be arbitrary, everything will depend on the size of your scooter, as well as from the length and width of the caterpillar.

Plastic skiing for a scooter had to be purchased. It would take too much time and effort. If you wish, of course, you can make this element of the design and with your own hands. Ski is attached to a moped fork with a rack. The right and left side of the fork work independently of security reasons. This design of the snowmobile makes it possible to rotate in any direction. Ski at the same time will not be lifted, and will always remain on the surface of the snow.

The plastic case of the scooter on a strong frost can become fragile. In addition, the design of the scooter is equipped with pockets in which snow can be stuffed. This leads to an increase in the mass of the structure and reduce the power of the device while driving. In order to reduce power in the winter, it is possible to make a special casing. It will be located over the caterpillar. It is necessary to take care of the presence of a spacious site where you can put your legs.

For moving on long distances, the scooter can be additionally equipped with windshield. The casing for installation on the caterpillar is not at all difficult, it is enough just to make a pattern from fiberglass. From polycarbonate or plexiglas need to cut the sidewall. Then it must be flipped over and put on a large sheet, which will perform the role of the wall of the template. After that, on the perimeter of the side wall with the help of thermoclause, plastic corners are fixed. Next, we use a strip of flexible plastic.

Its sizes must correspond to the sizes of the casing. Start directly to the assembly of the matrix. To do this, fix the bottom, sidewall and a glue panel. The joints can be sealed with plasticine. Now you need to cut fiberglass and, missing it with epoxy, impose on the template. A day later, the template can be disassembled, cut off the extra pieces of fiberglass and paint. Casing for ready. The main work is completed, it remains only to collect all the elements together.

Transport, on which in winter, and in summer you can ride without problems, but not a car. What is it? Well? This is a scooter familiar to us, but with minimal additional monetary and resource investments, it turns into a snowmobile, and in the summer? Again in the scooter. Complicated? Not at all, especially considering that the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a transformation is long ago.

In principle, you can turn anything in the necessary, most importantly? a wish. And once the desire is abound, the transformation of the scooter in a snowmobile should not be a problem, especially since the process of reworking? It is only the removal of the wheels and putting on their place skis with the caterpillar. Now you made sure that you can do everything with your own hands?


In general, the caterpillar (or propulsion)? This is the most important element of the future snowmobile, as the quality of the ride depends on it. Alternatively, you can make it with your own hands from the car. And since it is a closed circle, the possibility of breaking is minimal.

So the process is as follows:

  • cut with a shoe knife from the boards;
  • split along the pipe from plastic (in the ratio of diameter? Thickness? 40 by 5mm)? This is a primer. They must match the width of the tire. Attach them to the drive canvase every 5? 7cm using M6 bolts.

Similarly, the propulsion from the transport ribbon is made? With the only difference that the ends of the tape must be applied to each other about 3? 5cm, fixing by the same bolts.

If there is neither that, nor the other, the craftsmen are offered to use the wedge belts, and they need to fasten them in the width of the soils, because the inner side has already depressions for gear. And you can and at all purchase a ready copy, for example, a caterpillar from? Buran?, But in the monetary equivalent it is very expensive.

Regardless of the selected option, the width of the caterpillars directly affects the passability of the future snowmobile, but worse? on handling. For example, factory widths of cloths? 15, 20 and 24 inches according to standard, wide and superwatch ratio.

We begin by alteration

So how is the main goal? Use a scooter in its intended purpose in the summer and as a snowmobile in the winter, the design will need to make minimal changes. Namely? Remove the wheels on the place of the front to install ski, on the place of the rear? drivers

Krepim ski with his own hands using a rack, in which the left and right side work separately, independently of each other (or, otherwise, on top of the frame from the corners, and from the bottom? Rod). This type of construction is extremely safe because, firstly, it helps to remain ski on the snowy surface. Secondly, spontaneously scooter snowmobile will not leave in the side, will not be unmanaged on ice, and wear skiing when moving on asphalt is minimal. Besides the rod? He, according to function, rustle, must be not direct, but semicircular so that the steering wheel is fluent in different directions and in the snow, and on ice.

We continue to make the vehicle with your own hands, and it came to the turn of the caterpillar, which rises on the place of the rear wheel.

So, will you need a slave from a snowmobile? Buran?, Two wheels, small, with roller bearings, wheel with a diameter, like a moped. So, cut from the wheel of the moped slot with the brake drum and, drilled in it, we insert a smaller disk there. In order to get the propeller from the resulting wheel, from those plastic water pipes, which were used for the caterpillar, make similar hooks with their own hands.

We take roofing metal and make a bandage from it with your own hands, for what the hooks at the distance, taking into account the location of the holes on the caterpillar on the furniture bolts. That is, consolidating the bandage on the moped wheel with the hooks, we get a leading star for the propulsion.

Now it will be necessary to connect the Buranovskaya star with two roller wheels of the M8 bolts, and the heel will be used as an axis (M10 thread). As a frame for the caterpillar, the pipe of the square and a metal corner will suit. Sizes are difficult to call it difficult, since in this matter it is necessary to proceed from the brand of the scooter itself and from the sizes of the caterpillar.

Practical information

Manufacturing with your own snowmobile hands from any scooter? It's a simple thing, there would be a desire. Approximate speed of the latter? 40-60 km / h. If you consider the weight of the finished converted aggregate and the weight of the passenger? Snowmobile speed will be within 20? 45 km / h. And this is taking into account the use of the native engine. Its advantages include the fact that it is quiet, has a variator type of gearbox, forced cooling, low weight, electrode, consumes little fuel, does not vibrate. In general, a real find for homemade.

The only thing that can significantly reduce the power of the unit and increase the mass of the whole design? It is snowed pockets that are in the design of the scooter. To make it not happened, you can make the casing with your own hands, which the top of the caterpillar closes:

  • we take polycarbonate, organic glass, any other plastics;
  • from the resulting sheet, cut the sidewalls of the future casing;
  • tighten them using thermoclause and plastic corners;
  • we take flexible and thin, if possible, plastic and cut out the strip, the width of which is equal to the width of the casing;
  • we are assembled into the corners and wipe the plasticine of the locations of the details;
  • now cutting out the fiberglass cutting the casing, we wash them with a resin, after which they are tightly put on the design;
  • a day later everything will dry, and it will be possible to cut the resulting protective cover as you need.

With your own hands, as you could make sure it happened to turn an ordinary scooter into a snowmobile. Minimal investments, forces, money? This is what distinguishes such a design from others. And, by the way, this power unit is quite capable of dragging both sledges with kids and a laden truck.