Everybody is your own hands. Werethod "Argosha all-terrain vehicles Garagashian Transmission device DIF 4

At the exhibition "Weather-Khoder" on October 26 and 27, the premiere of the new all-terrain vehicle designed by Alexei Garagashia will be held. The name of the military military - "AG-20".

The overall dimensions of the snow-groove "AG-20": length 3980 mm, width 2530 mm, height 2580 mm, tires "Trom-16" with a size of 1650x570 with a 25-inch landing size. Pneumatic suspension, works by transhiping air from one tire to another, all tires are connected by air channels. The stated carrying capacity of 1000 kg. The volume of fuel tanks - 400 liters The main tank and 220 liters are additional. Power reserve is about 2000 km, the fuel consumption of 2-3 liters per hour, the engine model is similar to the all-terrain vehicle. The turning mechanism of planetary with hydraulic control. Two planetary rotation mechanisms are driven by cardan shafts, then from the rotation mechanisms, the chain transmission transmits the moment on the wheels. Chains are in the oil bath, the chains tension is carried out from the cabin.

The shareholder of Sherp is the stage already passed, and you can not doubt that "AG-20" surpassed the previous all-terrain vehicle in many respects, especially considering the care of the preparation of all the all-terrain vehicles created by Alexey for multi-day travels. We will compare in detail "AG-20" and Sherp and we describe its unique technical solutions.

Video of the new all-wheel drive "AG-20" constructor Alexey Garagashyan


Tire of snow-breeding Garagashiana AG-20

Snow-breeding Garagashian AG-20

In comparison, the dimensions of the new all-terrain vehicle AG-20 with all-terrain sherp are very big differences, Sherp seems to be climbing, climbing the Salon AG-20 is not so easy as in Sherp. Although it seemed to be difficult to climb, but everything lets in comparison. The mass of the new all-terrain pass is almost the same as at sherpa, the difference in mass depending on the configuration can be 50 - 100 kg, but inside the all-terrain vehicle is much spacious and warmer. All windows, except for the windshield with double glazing, insulating the aluminum allocate, insulated. On the front of the frame of the all-terrain, there are places for quick installation of special technological equipment, dump, bucket, etc. The design of the hydraulic equipment for the drive of hinged units is laid by the design.

The place of the driver and the front passenger is very spacious, you can pull the legs, as in the passenger representative Lexus. The width of the salon is also impressive, despite the fact that the larger tires are used and the all-terrain vehicle remains in the width of no more than 2550 mm for free transportation on public roads.

Weightworthogue all-terrain vehicle, controlled by the helm with a hydraulic line. Between the handles of the steering wheel, a tablet computer is installed on the basis of the Windows operating system.

Tablet for navigating a touch screen 15 ", turns along with the helm.

Pressure gauges in all-pass systems

All the main all-terrain control buttons are located on the steering wheel, almost everything is controlled by button and remotely, mechanical levers of minimum. The wheel swap is controlled by the buttons, on the first soles, everything is done manually, mechanically.

If you compare Sherpa and AG-20 salon, then Sherp is a one-bedroom apartment, and AG-20 is a two-bedroom apartment, while lenges crowded can be accommodated almost full of growth.

There are several boxes for "gloves" in all-terrain:

There are two fuel tanks, a total capacity of 400 liters is installed on the all-terrain, plus the canisters can be installed in the wheels, and the total fuel supply will be more than 600 liters. Presumably the average fuel consumption will be 35 liters / 100 km, so the reserve of the course of about 1,700 km. The neck of fuel tanks are located in front and behind the all-terrain vehicle.

The bottom of the all-wheel drive "AG-20"

Badlocks from duralumin, on the first sherces were steel, heavy and very durable.

Wheel paging tubes AG-20 wheels, the pipe diameter is impressive, visually seems like a cross section than Sherpa, which means that the pneumatic suspension will work better and the tire pressure can be adjusted faster.

Double glazing with polycarbonate.

All LED LED Light Jumping, Fast Headlights 6 pieces, each of which has a power of 90 watts

Marking of lighting engineering all-terrain vehicles

Werethod Alexey Garagashian AG-20

Interesting documentary film: "There, where there are no roads | The story of the inventor Alexey Garagashyan"

Fri, 10/25/2019 - 12:10

The car stopped right at the edge of the snow-covered cliff. Below, a river flows under the high bank. The muscles were involuntarily strained, and the head visited the crazy thought: "Does he want to dive with the cliff?" No, it seems to be left, and the deadly trick will not be. Lightly baitingly, the car is approaching the shore again. The top view is exactly the same - dizzy. Pause. Then the driver gives gas, and we still tear down ...

Front-door snow-brewing ("Cheburator") Universal highly geared all-terrain vehicle for travel and expeditions. It can also be used to monitor LAM in hard-to-reach areas and cleaning from garbage ice rivers and lakes.

Oleg Makarov

However, nothing that painted the imagination did not happen. The descent passed softly, smoothly, we did not turn over and did not break the neck. The car is unusual. And with an unusual name - "Cheburator". And behind the wheel, that is, there is no, for the levers of the Cheburator, Alexey Garagashyan, is a real guru among the enthusiasts of snow-breasted construction in St. Petersburg and other parts of our big country.

What is the "Cheburator", you can understand only riding this all-terrain vehicle. Summary - Nothing special: Simple box unpaired design body, small cabin with spartan comfort and very, very large wheels. We are going along the snow-covered field, somewhere near the St. Petersburg Ring Road. The car weighing in a ton of rolls softly and smoothly, leaving in the snow barely noticeable shallow trail. But only we decided to hurry, how they fell into the snow almost a belt. This is really - all-terrain!

Designer - Alexey Garagashyan. Universal highly geared trip for travel and expeditions. It can also be used to monitor LAM in hard-to-reach areas and cleaning from garbage ice rivers and lakes. Hobbating Alexey Garagashyan Wheel Technique began in childhood - with independent design bicycles. Then the passion for motorization and, finally, Alexey began to design all-terrain vehicles on low pressure tires. For more than 100 days a year, he spends on trips on the all-terrain vehicle, traveling and paving routes for the championship and the Russian Cup in Trophy-raid.

What to cling to ice?

To get acquainted with snow-spread rods from St. Petersburg, we came to the northern capital twice - both times in the spring, rejected after all the memorable snowy winter. They wanted to catch the most "all-terring" nature with mud, deep snow, thin, crumbling ice. Now that this nature again approaches us together with the fall, it's time to tell what they look like and what cars are made, which are still going. Well, or almost anyway.

"The main feature of such machines is the wheels," Alexey Garagashian explains. - The all-terrain vehicle is primarily from the wheels, and then you can already talk about the engine, transmission and chassis. The more the wheels, the greater the passability of the all-pass, the better it floats. With large tires, he acquires properties inaccessible to other vehicles. For example, it can get out of the water on the ice. I do not know the caterpillar cars that can do it. "

The machine is equipped with a Japanese turbodiesel Kubota with a volume of 1.5 liters. Motor has a low mass (114 kg), with a capacity of about 44 hp torque 120 nm. A separate important detail is the absence of an electronic control unit, which increases the reliability and engine during operation surrounded by water. In the car, two beds, a trunk of 600 liters. Fuel consumption in the campaign - 30 liters. per 100 km.

The trick with a water outlet on the edge of the ice (however, quite practical) refers to the most impressive capabilities of the "Cheburator", which is not least indicated by the number of views on YouTube the corresponding video. In this roller, Garagashyan fails on his all-terrain vehicle, then, sailing some kind of open water, climbs on ice and rolls as if nothing had happened.

Of course, to do this, the car must have a number of constructive features. The first one is the ratio of the volume of wheels and the mass of the machine. If the all-terrain vehicle lasts in water, dresses somewhere to the line of the axes, it means that it has a chance to get on ice. To jump on the ice you need a certain overclocking. But where to take it if there is no rowing screw? Rust a car will be wheels, for which she needs a rather relief protector. Such a protector is needed to engage in the edge of the ice. And one more important point: so that the wheel does not slip, the pressure in it should be completely low, for example, 0.02 atm. If the pressure is high, and the wheel is solid, unminated, then enter the all-terrain vehicle on the ice will be as difficult to climb the sidewalk of the sidewalk to the roller asphalt rink.

In general, low pressure wheels are a prerequisite for supergoing. True, such wheels have one problem: when they are deformed, they are easily unfolded. You can, of course, use podleks - special locking devices that use, for example, on the jeep-trial machines. But the "Cheburator" has its own highlight.

Big ears "Cheburator"

"Instead of pellets on Garagashian cars embodied by the know-how created by the designer - discs of a special design," says Vyacheslav Ermakov, another St. Petersburg enthusiast, head of the site lunohodov.net, dedicated to snow-breasted construction. These discs are very lungs, dirt falls from them, and they do not intersect ice, forming sometimes on the wheels of lumps lumps weighing up to 100 kg. But the main feature is that the body of the disk is rolled on the side ring. The protector is fastened to the disk rigidly and does not turn out, which eliminates the unfolding. And there is nothing non-technological in it - because a large wheel in any case is placed on the disk almost for the entire service life, unless it is comprehended by fatal damage as a result of an explosion or hitting a metal pin. "

The quality and properties of tires also affect the properties of the all-terrain vehicle. In Russia, tires for snow-born are produced, but Alexey Garagashyan does not consider their quality optimal. Rubber must be refined: individual elements of the tread cut off from it, which makes it easier to the wheel, improves its self-cleaning and makes it less brisk. In addition, additional grooves are cut on the surface of the wheel. The "Cheburator" climbs into a steep slopes, and then rushes down again, Locho Catitis in Nasta, successfully fights with loose snow, and a real dance with drift is still comfortable on a durable ice. As mentioned above, there is no steering wheel in all-terrain vehicles: it is controlled as a tank - one of the sides.

Mirny tank

"I use on-board drive by the simplest scheme," says Alexey Garagashyan, - with a large KAMAZ differential between sides. From the differential, the shafts are published on which ventilated brake discs with a diameter of 315 mm are installed. With shafts - chain transmission to the wheeled hubs. Management is carried out using a gas and clutch pedal, as well as two brake levers. Plus such a design is high maneuverability (all-terrain vehicles have a very large rotation radius), a relatively low mass, a common simplicity of design.

The disadvantage is that when control, one board is necessary to slow down. At the same time, the engine energy is spent, brakes are warm. Accordingly, you need a very direct motor, and even with a good diesel game you have to switch to transmission-two below to rotate quite cool. " One of the most interesting features of this bortal "Cheburator" is the lack of suspension. Or, more correctly, mechanical suspension. Instead, a pneumatic suspension is applied (this is its own constructor term). Its essence is that all four wheels are connected by the air maintenance of a large cross section - 45 mm. Therefore, at the end of the obstacle, the air very quickly flows inside the system and the pressure in all wheels is aligned.

When driving on a large stone or stump wheel deforms almost to the disk, but the car does not lose contact with the soil. But if an excess of pressure from a compressed wheel had nowhere to "strive", the car would just hurt. The suspension, consisting, in essence, from the wheels and the air line, provides soft, without jolts, but ... at low speeds. With a faster ride, the absence of shock absorbers, of course, affects. By the way, the wide airway serves and for quick pumping or plugging tires - these processes can be controlled from the cab. Pumping is carried out with the help of an exhaust of a diesel engine, which, contrary to considerable opinions, does not at all corrosive rubber.

Designer - Denis Globin. The funny name "Mymyklovoz" occurred from the Internet Nick Denis Globin. The car can calmly move the person, and it will remain intact and unharmed: due to the low pressure in the tires, the weight of the all-pass is distributed on the huge spots of the wheel contact.

Savy and six hunters

When spring took its own and recently recently, the water twisted the water jammed, we came to St. Petersburg again to get acquainted with another car created by St. Petersburg enthusiasts, and test it in business. Snow-born "Mymyklovoz" boldly rushed into the water of the lake, most of which were still tightened by a translucent crust. In order to understand how cool this car is, we would have enough and just trips to the place of our tests.

A motor from Daewoo Matiz is used, but any small engine can be applied. Disposal box from "Niva", two bridges from the UAZ car. Trecol tires are protected from lifting disassembly. Rule mechanism from Tiyota Land Cruiser. Technical solutions applied in similar allways, sometimes contradict the classical principles of automotive industry. Can tractor wheels adjoin the transmission brake from the moped? In "Mymyklovoza" - yes.

Warm weight in a ton with an engine with a capacity of about 50 hp Jokingly drought a man at a roughaby forest path. In the cabin, in the rear luggage compartment and in the trunk on the roof. The experienced hunters were told that on the hunt (and the hunting in distant wilds is one of the main appointments of the "Yamyklovoza") to the same crew of the crew of the complexion, and if lucky, and the moose carcass.

The owner and author of "Yamyklovoza" - Denis Globin, and his creation is somewhat different from the borne-driven "Cheburator" Alexey Garagashyan. "That car is a professional, ultra-supersay all-terrain vehicle," explains Vyacheslav Ermakov. - And "Mymyklovoz" - a car for outdoor activities. She has ordinary steering, she also has a high passability, knows how to swim, leaves for steep shores, has a higher cruising speed and more interesting aesthetically. "

As long as we look at how "yamyklovoz" booders whipped with treads, under the color of the sky, the lake water, the storming of the already thinning icy edge, I remember that these machines are not created at all for demonstration performances. They are built for long-range hikes in the forests and swamps, for example, on the Kola Peninsula. Urcha, machines are marking over the tops, and then stop. To chat with each other, outline the next way or organize tea drinking, the crews get out of the cabin and get up on huge wheels. In any case, it is impossible to descend down - it can be pretty filled, and even die in the swamp. But the car will endure everything, it can be completely trusted.

A distinctive feature of this wholesale type of Cheburator is an independent suspension. In the all-terrain vehicle, a system of paging by fast exhausts. A special place in the all-terrain vehicle is given comfort, it concerns both suspension, steering and actually accommodating cargo and passengers in the car.

Materials and details used in creating this allocation:
1) Engine diesel turbocked cubet with a capacity of 44 hp 1500 cm cubic.
2) Radiator VAZ 2108
3) Generator at 40 A
4) Battery 75a per hour
5) Gearbox shift from VAZ 2108
6) brakes and caliper from VAZ 2108
7) Gazelle Reducer
8) pump-dispenser 100 cm cube
9) ZF Hydrausselleter Pump
10) Power cylinder from GAZ 66
11) Fuel tank for 63 liters
12) Electric winch.
13) headlight LED 120 watts
14) Tires 1300 to 700 per 21 Arctictrans
15) Cardan Hinge from KamAZ

Consider in more detail the main elements of the mechanisms of all-terrain mechanisms.

The all-terrain vehicle has the following dimensions: width 240 centimeters, base width 210 centimeters, weight under a ton.
the machine is able to carry the cargo to a 400 kilogram. Also, the all-terrain vehicle has a 400 liter trunk.
The width of the disk is 55 centimeters, a mass of 15 kilograms.

The cubot engine has a torque of 120 nm, as well as the fuel consumption of about 2 liters per hour.

This is what the motor compartment of the all-terrain truck looks like:

The holes are designed to switch the blocking of the winch, as well as styling the cable correctly.

Swivel fist mechanism:

Installed pump-dispenser:

Driver's seat:

The steering is made using a hydraulic circuit, without mechanical communication.
Thanks to such a control scheme at low speeds, there is almost no effort to the steering wheel, but when trying to quickly turn the steering wheel, a noticeable resistance occurs.

Instead of differential for the bridge, a special part of a solid layout was made, which is sharpened to the native bearings and to which the slave gear will be screwed, and the films of increased size will be inserted into the ends.

A quick swap system is installed on the all-terrain, which increases the overall passability of the machine.
Thanks to the use of the suspension, it becomes possible to develop a greater speed while staying in comfort.

Thanks to the width of the all-wheel drive of 2 meters 40 centimeters on wheels, the all-terrain vehicle has excellent water resistance. When overcoming the river and lakes, the all-terrain route is immersed along the axis. Also, thanks to the large size of the wheels, the all-terrain vehicle is quite easy to go on the swamps.

Special attention by the author paid an easy accessibility to any mechanisms (generator, gur pump, pump-dispenser) all-terrain vehicle. Even the gearbox and clutch box can be changed directly from the car's interior. It is possible to get an oil probe engine, but it's more convenient to do it out of the cabin. But in order to change the air filter to leave the car not necessarily. The fuel sump is clearly visible outside and is served without special tools, and to replace flexible fuel and oil filters, it is not even necessary to remove the hood.

To brush the radiator, it is enough to unscrew only two M6 bolts and remove the protective shield.
Here the diesel engine will not be removed without special tools, but it is unlikely that it will be necessary, because the diesel engines have excellent reliability.

Cabot diesel engines are made only in Japan, which is an additional guarantor of the quality and reliability of the engine. This row TNVD is considered one of the most reliable in the lineup and has long been loved by most builders of all-terrain vehicles. There are three filters that protect against water and dirt.

Even if you pour a poor-quality diesel fury with mud impurities, it will only be called only the first of three filters, after cleaning or replacing which it will be possible to start the engine again. What no consequences for the engine itself will not.

Wheels with Arctictrans tires:

120 cotton headlights installed, which at night turns into a mood position, and during the day it is returned to not reduce the driver's review, which is quite convenient.

The following is visible, as well as fixing the winch cable:

The left swivel fist is depicted here, top view:

And so it looks below:

From what is not visible behind the trimming machine, I would like to note the presence of the power part of the frame. The gearbox, winch, power relay from the winch is also hidden. The all-terrain vehicle has a hydraulic handbrake and a transmission brake in a single instance.

The all-terrain vessel does not have a silencer as such, the exhaust pipe is simply insulated with thermal insulation.
Also, a short cardan shaft is installed on the all-terrain vehicle, which is hidden behind the trimming of the hose of the rear wheels.

In front panel you can see the air filter hatch:

Since the thrust is not possible to welcome to the bridge due to a strong opportunity from the deformation with such a mount, the author decided to use Silent blocks:

Created by the author for simple pokatusks, special appointments, except entertainment he does not have. Although in the future the author does not exclude possible upgrades under various whims. In addition, at the moment this car is capable not only to move on land, but also swim.

Materials involved when creating this all-terrain vehicle:
1) Engine from Oka
2) Dnipro gearbox
3) VAZ classic gave differential.
4) Onboard brakes and transmission from quad bike.
5) The wheels are also removed from the quad bike 25 12.5 12.
6) grip from 2101
7) brakes from 2108
8) chains in a step of 19.5 German production.

The maximum speed of the all-terrain vehicle is about 40 km per hour.

Consider the course of the construction of all-terrain vehicles and the problems faced by the author.

A drive from 2121 was used, from which a glass of a shruss was separated. According to the result, it turned out the shaft with the end part, to which the flue flue was welded, and there were already a hole for the fastening of the wheels. Then all the elements were flowing on the lathe. The trees of leading stars, like brake discs are bonded by conventional wheel bolts.

From the semi-axis of the Niva, the bearing was made for connecting stars and semi-axes. As a landing, part of the bridge of the same Niva is involved. Below is a picture of the details before assembly:

Then the author began assembling a frame.

First stage:

Made a bottom frame:

Installed differential:

Made the instrument panel:

Then there were work with flywheels. They are lightweight. From them, brake discs are made, by piercing to the required thickness. Brake discs are pretty flat due to car layout specs.

Two gearboxes were made, the material served as an old bridge from the classic vase.

After trial departures, it was also decided to reduce the gear ratio from the differential by 2.5. After that, the author began setting the gearbox and the final work on the transmission and wiring began.

The main problems of onboard rotation on the differential is the complexity of turning on the site and the resource of the differential itself.

Rotate it easier to exercise on gas, as it requires considerable effort on the spot. Therefore, the author has begun to solve this problem. Differential was boiled and one board was disabled, thanks to this, the car became easier in control. Even with the first gear, the all-terrain route turns with ease, so it was decided to refuse to refuse more convenient manageability from on-board turn.
Prior to that there were four satellite, which was made from a disk self-block.

However, the new turning scheme also discovered disadvantages. In the transmission, cabinet bearings with a cast-iron case were involved, this very building was not designed for overload and burst with a sharp maneuver.

Therefore, the author decided to replace such a corps on steel. The author advises especially carefully to the sample of bearings. In the light of all alterations that were committed, the transmission scheme was greatly complicated: the gearbox is connected to the engine, then divided into two clips from VAZ 2110 with stars and chains, then there is a gearbox from the VAZ 2101, in which the differentials are welded, and the left brakes are installed on each and right side. The management itself is implemented at the expense of the working cylinder from the VAZ 2101 with a vacuum amplifier.

However, despite the seeming complexity of the design, the control itself has become much easier, catch the moment of clutch is certainly hard, but it does not cause problems on the go.

The engine engine is installed with its own clutch and gearbox, and then goes to the Dnieper box, and from the bridges 2101 it turned out to be reduced by 3.5 gearbox, and there is a side drive from them.

The main cylinders were replaced by 2108, to facilitate the work of the clutch.
Of course, the Dnieper box accounts for quite a lot of effort, but when driving 30-35 km and engine speeds under 3000, it is fully held.
The chains are imported and durable, were ordered from Moscow at a price of a thousand per meter.

As for the dimensions of the all-terrain truck:
Width 160 cm
Length 280 cm
The mass of the machine is up to 600 kilograms, but if desired, you can throw off, since the work on savings in this regard was not carried out.

Since the body is made hermetically, the all-terrain vehicle is able to overcome the aquatic obstacles, although the speed is not quite large, since the wheels are small. In addition, it was made quite a big clearance of about 45 centimeters to the bottom, so on the water the wheels are quite high and rowing weakly, but if you reduce the lumen, then there will be problems with movement by Kao.

Separately pleases the reliability of the machine, even when breakdown one of one side, this all-terrain vehicle continues to go almost straight, which does not cause inconvenience to the driver.

Disassemble all transmissions to get to damaged elements - unnecessary, and the clutch replacement for example, may take only half an hour.

For 300 km of operation, only two breakdowns were noticed.

The fan power sensor has failed, but at this case the author prudently installed the forced switching switch.

As well as during the cleaning of snow with the bucket, the leading asterisk was damaged, simply could not withstand the load weight of the snow + bucket with a sharp maneuver.

By the way, here is the same bucket that was made by the author for the all-pass:

For himself, the author did the following conclusions:
In the future, it is serious to seriously consider the possibility of facilitating all-terrain vehicles, as this will rather significantly reduce the load on the running.
Sometimes there are problems with chains, unfortunately to find out the reason has not yet succeeded.

Some places of compounds were performed with an excessive margin of strength and, in particular, it is from them to start relief of all-terrain vehicles. Although even so engine power is enough.

You may need to put the variator, but for this you need to take a gearbox from the import model of the Quadrocycle. Again, in order to save weight, it is worth reviewing the gearbox scheme, as the bridges from the VAZ are pretty heavy.

Installation of caterpillars, especially will not play on the patency, as the all-terrain vehicle is pretty yurt.

Video testing machine.

Wheel all-terrain on low pressure tires Made with your own hands: photo of the construction with a description of the all-terrain vehicle.

The craftsmen Andrei from Vologda, gathered a self-made all-terrain vehicle for road trip, we offer to familiarize yourself with the design of the vehicle.

Building materials:

  • TRAKOL Wheels 1310 x 490 x 20.
  • Engine and checkpoint from VAZ 2108.
  • Cardan actuators on bridges, as well as bridges from UAZ.
  • Steering from UAZ.
  • Hydraulic brakes with vacuum amplifier.
  • Suspension Rear springs Lightweight UAZ.
  • Steering worm reducer UAZ.
  • Other spare parts from a vase.

From profile pipes welded the frame of the all-terrain vehicle.

Made discs for wheels under low pressure tires.

The tower was lengthened to reduce efforts when turning the steering wheel.

The author of the all-terrain vehicle has envisaged the installation of various wheels into the all-terrain vehicle, it is enough to change the gear ratio with the checkpoint. Thus, when installing TROL wheel wheels, the main pair in the checkpoint changes from 3.8 to 5.1, the maximum speed is cut, but the minimum speed is 1 km / h.

The differential was brewed, since if not brewing, the passability will be bad. Sometimes this is solved by installing self-blocking, but it only works at the time with large engine speeds, its usefulness is doubtful on low revs.

There is a superval clutch, it binds each other with a certain force and when the force is exceeded, the semi-axis is turned relative to each other, and the mechanism works as an ordinary screw blocking, that is, it eliminates the occurrence of peak loads in the car transmission and on the steering wheel, as well as Allows self-locking to work more early at low revs.

And with a situation where the moment is absent on one rotating wheel, it allows you to guarantee the second wheel of the same axis to work, that is, for example, when one wheel due to terrain conditions is in the air and does not experience the load. Basically, similar specialized self-blocks are installed only on the rear axle of the all-terrain vehicle.

Radius of the turn on the external trail of the wheels - 6 meters.

Transmission shift was implemented in a similar way.

Overall dimensions of all pass:

  • Long - 255 cm.
  • Width - 203 cm.
  • Height - 227 cm.
  • Length from all-terrain trailer - 595 cm.
  • Road clearance - 50 cm.

  • Mass of all pass 1050 kg.
  • Load capacity on land 500 kg.
  • Load capacity on water 300 kg.
  • The number of passengers is 5 people.

Fuel consumption ranges from 15 to 30 liters a hundred kilometers of the path depending on the conditions and road surfaces.

The homemade all-terrain vehicle develops the maximum speed of 60 km / h. The minimum speed is 3 km / h. When moving on the water, the speed of the all-terrain vehicle is 4 km / h.

The approximate cost of all costs for the construction of all-terrain vehicles was 500 thousand rubles.