Motochas - how it is correct and why this parameter is needed. Oil replacement period: After how many km or months it is necessary to change in the engine at how many hours, the oil of Shell is calculated

Milometer Speedometer does not indicate a real state power aggregate. The degree of wear of the motor and the lubricant material is determined not by the mileage of the vehicle, but the duration of the engine operation, taking into account the operation mode of the car. Having learned to calculate how many hours passed before replacing the oil in the engine, you can change the engine fluid in time - extend the engine resource.

Car dealer indicates a period of planned, my car replacement motor fluid It must be carried out according to the regulations every 15 thousand km. Let's figure out how many hours the engine will pass when driving around the city and a motor of a similar car, the owner of which will ride mainly in the country track. Calculate, corresponds to the claimed mileage, the real period of the replacement of motor oil.

Motocats indicate the duration of the operation of the power unit at nominal turnover, the motochas is equal to one hour of normal drive operation. By performing calculations with the help of hours, you do not take into account the operating conditions of the power unit (with a loaded engine, the engine fluid is faster and requires replacement).

According to on-board computer My car average speed is 26 km / h. This is a real figure: getting to work, I have to stand in traffic jams 40 minutes, in the evening under similar conditions the car stands for 1.5 hours. With such a variable load, the mode of operation of the power unit approximates to extreme operating conditions, the drive is heated, the engine mixture is experiencing a colossal load - at high temperature changes its properties. Obviously: change the liquid will have to be remedied before the recommended run.

Relying on the facts, take for the calculation of 15 thousand km, we divide the specified mileage on the average vehicle movement speed, we get 15,000 / 26 \u003d 576 hours. Here you take into account the time of staying in traffic jams, plus the engine warming in the winter (the on-board componrate begins to count from the moment of starting the drive).

According to the calculations, we obtain the value, bring them in Table 1

Table 1. Dependence between motorcycles, speed and mileage

Speed, km / h Mileage, thousand km Motochas.
15 576
10 385
8 308

The average speed in the city is approached by 30 km / h, a similar car on the country track will drive a distance of 3 more, on the highway the car moves 70 km / h. Both motor will make the same amount of work. The speedometer of the first car will show the mileage much less than the second car. It is worth thinking how real is the digit specified by the dealer to replace the lubricant mixture.

Video about changing engine oil depending on the events passed

Operating conditions

Under the ideal conditions, the car in the city develops a speed of 40 km / h, we get 15,000 / 40 \u003d 375 hours. For the country track, we take - 80 km / h, we expect 15,000 / 80 \u003d 188 hours.

Compare the experimental 576 with the calculated 375, we conclude: the engine works in severe operating conditions, it is necessary to change the machine to increase its resource 2 times more often. Many people do not know: the replacement of the engine fluid is regulated, is:

  • 250 hours for ACEA E2, API CF, CF-4, CG4;
  • 400 - VDS, ACEA E3;
  • 600 - for VDS-2.

In the service book it is indicated - under the difficult conditions of operation, the replacement of the car occurs every 8 thousand km of mileage. These conditions include:

  • there is a significant amount of dust in the air;
  • continuous ride at low speed;
  • movement of the vehicle in mountain, hilly terrain;
  • high temperatures overboard cars;
  • use of fuel of dubious quality;
  • frequent change of filling stations;
  • when towing the trailer;
  • fully loaded trunk.

If there is no possibility to conduct the specified calculation, the masters are recommended to rely on fuel consumption. For example, the car must spend 9 liters of gasoline or Dt per 100 km around the city, according to the regulations, for 15 thousand km of mileage will be 1,350 liters - (15000/100) * 9, real flow It is 11 liters per 100 km, at 15 thousand km it will be 1650 liters. Change fluids is necessary at a volume of 1350 liters. This is the relative method.

Responding to the question: "How many hours should the weather be passed before replacing the engine mixture in the engine?", Consider:

  1. Type of power unit. Inside diesel engines The temperature is significantly higher than in gasoline drives. Lubricant material is exposed to large loads.
  2. Motor loading, with an increase in load, the resource of the machine is reduced.
  3. The car rides the country track or in the city. On the track, the motor wearhes slower: it works for a long time with the same load.

Change the mixture according to the machines passed, do not spend planned replacement Liquid on routine machine. Use certified products that responds. technical characteristics Motor, apply the machine to the recommendations of the vehicle manufacturer.

For reading 4 min. Views 218. Published October 2, 2015

One of the main conditions that provide normal work your engine is right choice And the timely replacement of engine oil. This substance is responsible for the resource of the engine and its correct operation. Wrong choice of oil type or its processing can carry a potential threat to the operability of your vehicle.

Olov must be changed in a timely and systematically - it knows every motorist.

- How often? - you ask.

- You need to look at the regulations! - Every motorist will answer.

But in this answer there is a particle of inaccuracies. Have you ever wondered: why exactly such a regulation? Yes because car manufacturer Tried hundreds of such engines and exposed them to different loads. For the rules, only one indicator is indicated. Therefore, only one generalized statistical indicator takes for its formation. Traditionally, it is 10-15 thousand kilometers.

Whether the equal regulation of oil replacement in the engine for fasteners and quiet ride, And for urban and country pace? The answer is unequivocal - of course not!

The operation mode significantly affects the state of the motor olive, and therefore on the regulation of its replacement.

Specificity of car operation

Logical conclusion is that the regulations for "urban" and "intercity" cars are different. We are talking about urban traffic jams when the oil and elements of the engine are exposed to high temperatures, the natural ventilation of the crankcase is minimal and the runs are minimized. In this case, 100 km of the path in traffic and 100 km on the track are two different operational indicators for the engine and different loads.

The difference in operating conditions in traffic jams and when driving on the highway almost three times. Therefore, it is also necessary to take into account the time replacement regulations. Some manufacturers additionally indicate the approximate regulations in the weather.

Tubes - the main factor for reducing the oil change regulations

The most optimal operating conditions of the engine is to ride on the highway at a speed of 110-120 km an hour. In this case, the engine does not overheat, works for a third of its power (for the predominant most engines), and the ventilation of the crankcase is just excellent. However, not all 100% of engines are suitable for such a characteristic.

Lovers fast driving (Also high load on the engine) and those who are forced to stand in traffic jams it is important to remember that under such conditions of operation of the vehicle, the regulations are significantly reduced.

Optimal conditions for engineering in the engine: medium speed mode And the short engine warming (this does not mean that at the first motor factory you need to go right away).

If we translate the standard oil replacement regulation of 15 thousand to hours, and compare it with the features of urban and country ride, then the following indicators are obtained:

  • For traffic jams and slow urban ride to 25 km / h (which meets very often) - the replacement regulations of 7-10 thousand km.
  • For a country ride at a speed of more than 90 km / h, the development resource may increase to 20 or more than a thousand km. However, it is not recommended to "rewrite" the oil in the engine even in conditions of such a measured country ride.

That is why each motorist and the owner of the car must be remembered that service Regulatory - This is just a weighted average indicator that does not include your individual component: the nature of the ride, the car run, the conditions of operation, the size of the city, and so on.

That is why it is necessary to fully monitor not only behind the level, but also for the condition (color, consistency) of the engine oil. If necessary, you can contact more experienced colleagues for professional summary. 10 or 15 thousand kilometers is not a final sentence to replace, everything is much individual.

It is smoothly as much as the manner and the nature of the ride, the runs and features of the city are, smoothly so and affects the right choice of engine oil. Natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic oils - they all have their own features of operation and advantages. When choosing, you can be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer, advice of professionals or personal experience. The choice must be conscious and fit the method of operation of your vehicle. Remember that the choice of oil is the key to the engine performance, its resource and technical and performance indicators.

Tomorrow we will look at features different species Motor Olives. After reading these articles, you will be able to select the appropriate type of engine oil and follow your own, more correct, replacement regulation.

In the comments, write how often you change the engine oil and what operating conditions of your car.

Good Friday and smooth roads!

Control operation of the tractor engine is important, since the duration and efficiency of its use depends on this. One of the very first devices that allows you to learn the pre-condition of the power unit is a motor sensor. It displays such an important characteristic As motochas, with which you can control the time of the full engine service.

What mothers on the tractor are enough to simply imagine if you understand how this parameter fixes occurs. At the time of starting the engine, a mechanical or electronic meter is also turned on, which begins to fix and memorize the rotational frequency using a special indicator. This device for determining the machines of tractors allows you to set the duration of its work for any period of time. But at the same time, the assertion that 1 of the Tractor's Motochas is equal to one hour of real-time operation - erroneously.

The calculation is based on the number of revolutions per minute. Therefore, it may differ several times with load and on idling. It turns out if you consider Motocations - you can find out the approximate degree of worniness of movable mechanical nodes of the power unit. The formula of their calculation is quite simple and is built on the basis of the number of revolutions:

  • idle allows equating one motorcycle to the real-time speaker;
  • the usual load "accelerates" the motochas approximately third - 1MH is approximately 40 minutes;
  • intensive load leads to a "acceleration" of wear by two-thirds.

Such a scheme allows to approximately clarify what is equal to the Motochas on the tractor depending on the degree of intensity of its use.

Why do you need to consider motor

Finding out how to count the weather on the tractor, you can now go to the question, why these counts are needed. First of all, the answer to this question lies in the peculiarities of the process of conducting the calculations - it is built on the number of engine speed per minute. Considering that every mobile mechanical articulation has its own margin of safety - you can calculate the time plan in advance. maintenance Engine. At the same time, knowing how the mercami meter works on the tractor, it is easy to do that for sure, relying on the real wear of the crankshaft, the piston system and other nodes of the power plant.

Knowledge of the real operating characteristics of the engine can be easily translated by the Milometers on the tractor in each individual case. There is a special averaged table that assumes that 1 m / h for wheel tractors It is 10 kilometers, for tracked - 5 kilometers. But for accurate counting, a variety of factors should be taken into account, starting from the speed of movement and ending with the load on the engine. In addition, the design of the sensor allows you to wind sweat, turning any calculations to useless occupation. Although today is a rather rare phenomenon, since the solution to "wind" the counter more relates to the "Soviet time". At that time, Motochas was one of the performance indicators, and today is a means of savings, control of fuel consumption and the performance of the power unit.

Many it is considered that the revision of the car is made exclusively during that. Do not argue with it, but how to be in the period after postgraduate service. When to carry out such important procedureHow to replace lubricant in the motor? On this account in the environment of motorists, you can hear different answers. From the usual seasonal in the form of "replacement with the arrival of summer or winter", to the classic "wait for the necessary indication of the odometer."

Official answer: After how many kilometers it is necessary to change the oil in the car engine

The main control unit under the hood of the car - oil Prope. It is looking at him to follow the observance of the main rule - the oil fluid level should be saved between the MIN and MAX marks. You can also notice such a tendency: in the course of use, the lubricant darkens. This is due to the contamination of fuel combustion products. Therefore, the lubricating emulsion is not eternal, after the expiration of some period it must be changed.

In the classic version, the instruction book prescribes through which mileage can change the oil in the engine of the car. Usually this figure varies in the limit of 13,000-15,000 km. It is worth noting that the value is selected for the ideal conditions of exposure to loads:

  1. Pure motor.
  2. Middle speed.
  3. Work without overheating.

This mode is achieved with an average speed of at least 50 km / h, which is ensured when driving around the country roads for long distances.

Whether to retreat from the manufacturer's requirements

In most cases - yes. Here is the list heavy Conditions Work for motor lubricantrequiring regulatory work more often:

  • Riding on mountain roads.
  • Movement in dusty terrain.
  • Frequent trailer towing.
  • Increased ambient air humidity.
  • Strong frosts I. permanent drops Temperatures.

For these reasons Provides a complete accessories of Kanishystroe with an oil storage.

Real numbers or through which mileage of the machine can change the engine oil in fact

Recently, there are increasingly conversations about the dangers of such a regime as moving in traffic jams. With such an operation, the emulsion in the crankcase is quickly spoiled. This occurs as a result of the contact of the composition with unburned fuel and crankcase gases.

Add the lack of proper cooling of the container and obtain optimal conditions for lubrication oxidation. The phenomenon is undesirable, directly causing the process of its aging. Besides low revolutions The conditions for lubricating CPG worsens. This means that all wear products will soon be in the crankcase area.

Throughout the term of use, the car is experiencing several states. They are convenient to configure into three groups. On this basis it is convenient to note, after how much it is necessary to change the engine oil to preserve its factory resource with mixed operation City / Route:

  • Pure (up to 7,500 km) - ensures the preservation of the perfect state of the motor.
  • Working (8-15 thousand km) - polluted fluid, naturally aged and lost a number of its properties (undesirable status - negatively affects the power plant).
  • Emergency (over 15 thousand km) - guaranteed clogging of the oil system, emergency friction regime and, as a result, extraordinary component wear.

"Cork" auto

For each machine, the shift period of the lubricating composition is selected individually. It is absolutely logical and directly depends on the conditions in which the car is used. For example, everything is clear from the output car. It is used mainly for long distances. Engine work is close to optimal - no questions. Change in accordance with the service book will not be there.

Important! Even if the car simply stood a year with a new emulsion or drove, say, a couple of thousand kilometers for 12 months - the lubricant is unconditionally change. Butter is chemistry, and chemical compounds from stagnation are degraded.

Much more complex looks like a situation with an urban employee. Vehicle Drives no more than 20-30 km per day. The average speed is 20 km / h. main featurepower point Works smoothly for several hours, forms and in the combustion chamber. Agree, for 3-4 hours by the autobahn you can drive much more than the traffic jams.

With this state of affairs, it is not necessary for the testimony of a odometer incorrect and dangerous: 15,000 km emulsion will not stand it. It is worthwhile to focus on what mileage on the roads of a major city can change the oil in the car engine. So, to ensure the factory resource, the digit shown by the computer must be divided by 2.5-3. In other words, changing every 5,000 km oil fluid In the engine during operation within the metropolis line, you can hope for the durability of the device.

Concept of motor expansion

All conversations translated into a plane of a kilometer, approximate. The most accurate answer in this business is given by Motocats. Focusing on the total working time of diesel or gasoline engine, with the moment of the regulatory work on the "engine" will not be paid to guess.

It is easy to determine the red border: it is enough to estimate how much time the car overcomes the official 15,000 km at a moderate speed of 50 km / h. The answer is instantly - 300 hours. This digit and accept as a shift point. At the same time, do not forget about the mileage - 15,000 km exceed is categorically not recommended.

Technically solve the problem of measuring hours of functioning of the power unit is easy. It is enough to purchase the meter of Motokas: either electronic or electromechanical. It is crashed into any work chain, which is activated from the ignition lock. It remains to secure the device in a convenient location and the installation is over. It is not necessary to disable the battery to be afraid - the memory of the gadget is non-volatile.

Theoretical option

An alternative to odometer and motorcycles is the amount of fuel burned. We consider how many liters will leave 15,000 km with an individual average consumption that shows the BC. So, the answer to the question, through how many liters of a bedroom combustion must be changed oil in the engine of small tramps, this is every 1,000 l. However, it will have to go around so that all fuel checks are collected and processed.

Motor lubricant should be changed based on the operating conditions of the car:

  • 5-7 thousand km: 95% of the time - movement on traffic jams in a close metropolis at an average speed of not more than 20-30 km / h.
  • 13-15 thousand km: 70-80% of the time - driving on the highway.
  • Every year, regardless of the run: The oil begins to grow old after opening the plug.

The most accurate method for determining the time of regulatory work is the fixation of the motocams using the meter. Red border - 300 units. Alternative technology - counting the number of burned fuel liters.

We tried to tell about why the quality of engine oil is so important, which happens to him in the depths of the engine and what factors affect its aging. It remains to tell about how these factors are associated with oil replacement intervals and how often it is necessary to change oils during the real operation.

City and highway

It must be said that the replacement of oil "in running" will almost always be non-optimal. The same mileage on the highway and in urban mode is more than a fourfold difference in the weather and a huge difference in the oil degradation. For example, with a standard replacement range of 15 thousand kilometers in traffic jams, the oil will work all 700 hours, and on the highway - even less than 200.

For the quality of oil, this more than a three-time difference is colossal, because even when working on a low load, thermal effect on the oil is very large. In modern motors, the situation is exacerbated by the high temperature of the thermostatting, poor ventilation of the crankcase and the lack of its cooling on the machine standing in the traffic jams, which causes a sharp decline in its resource.

On the track, the load can also be very different. At speeds up to 100-130 kilometers per hour in most machines, the load on the motor is lower than the average, the temperatures are small, and the ventilation of the crankcase works well. Powerful motors load and is minimal, which means that the load on the oil is very weak.

At speeds more, as the load on the engine increases, the load on the oil is growing. On small engagement motors with a "short" transmission, the motor and oil can already have completely disadvantaged. On more powerful motors The load will increase smaller.

Together with an increase in the load on the engine, the conditions of oil are deteriorating: the temperature of the piston increases, the flow of destructive crankcase gases is increasing. Thus, the optimal mode of operation and for oil, and for the motor are the average rate of half from the maximum and low hours of operation at idle after warming up.

When you count the hours, it turns out that the typical oil replacement interval of 15 thousand kilometers in the motochas is from 200 to 700, depending on the motion mode. Judging by the work of the regulatory mileage meters on BMW and oil replacement intervals on a technique, which is indicated in motorcycles, when typical exploitation It can be held from 200 to 400 hours for different operating modes, except permanent work In the maximum power mode.

Cases of explicit exceeding when using standard semi-synthetic oils And synthetics on a hydrocracking basis are fraught with "complications" for the engine in the form of a clocking and reducing the mobility of the piston rings.

Oddly enough, but 400 hours on typical urban speeds at 20-25 km / h are just the most 8-10 thousand mileage mileage on one serving of oil. And 400 hours at a speed of 80 km / h - this is already apparent 32 thousand kilometers unreal, although it is unlikely to strive for such an indicator.

Well, few of us boasts that they exploit cars in a country cycle with a constant speed. So what should I run mostly urban, and the engine is also forced? For example, some 1.2 TSI? Obviously, the oil needs to be changed more often.

However, not only the replacement interval depends on the ride mode. More important importance is what kind of oil is flooded in the engine.

Types of motor oils

The choice of oils in stores is very wide, if not to say huge. Some of them are not far from Soviet mineral oils, some look in comparison with them as spaceship Next to the cart.

First of all, you need to assimilate one important thesis: any oil consists of the basis and package of additives. The base is mineral, semi-synthetic and completely synthetic, in a variety of variations.


Examples: ESSO ULTRON 2000.

Purely mineral oils Already almost no found, they were replaced by "semi-synthetic", which has much higher than the content of additives. Among such oils there are no long-lived, the decay products are quite strongly polluted by the motor, and the additives are kept shortly, and the viscosity changes strongly with time. But the intervals of the replacement of about 10-15 thousand kilometers them are quite forces. But a little more complicated the conditions and above the number of hours, and it would be better to cut this interval.

Synthetic hydrocracking oils

Examples: Mobil 1 New Life 0W40.

They are often considered almost as "semi-synthetic", but they are noticeably better in real exploitation. A little more expensive "base" allows you to make a jump in viscosity stability and the ability to hold the additive package. Most of the "regular" oils from automakers belongs to this family. They allow in greenhouse conditions to get a mileage from replacement to replacement and 30 thousand kilometers, but in practice it is better to remember that the oils of this series are almost all small and highly dependent on the motor and gasoline.

But when runs, even 15 thousand kilometers before replacement, they turn out to be noticeably better than "mineral water": they usually have less harmful destruction products and better detergents.

But often it is not only in the hydrocracking. There are also PJSC, and Estherians, which are slightly lower. An essential feature is that the so-called Low-SAPS minor oils on this basis have a significantly reduced package of additives to minimize the amount of sulfate ash, phosphorus and sulfur, which may prolong the resource of the catalysts, but explicitly reduces the life of the motor.

Synthetic oil based on polyalphaolefins

Examples: Ravenol VPD / VDL 5W40, Liqui Moly Synthoil High Tech 5W-40.

These are hits of past years and the basis of many pure racing oils. Their base is even more expensive, but they have better fluidity, and freezing temperatures are able to cope with Siberian frosts - without any additives, they can be lower than minus 60 degrees! They are almost not litto, and the products of their collapse are maximum clean and do not form climbing piston rings.

Unfortunately, these are not products of mass application, and the price of their significantly higher prices of hydrocracking synthetics, and also they have less resistant oil film and worse friction coefficient.

It is more difficult to talk about the interval of replacement, but the basis of such an oil ages very slowly. However, additive packages remain complex and still have their own service life, and mechanical pollution does not disappear. But such oils are really able to implement the Longlife replacement program without reducing the motor resource, maybe even exceed the standard interval of 400 hours.

It should be noted that low viscosity hydrocracking synthetics often contains a significant amount of PJSC, and in real exploitation, the difference between different types "Synthetics" is much less than the difference between pure bases. Malozol oils with this basis can also have a weak additive package.

Esters oils

Examples: Motul V300, Henum WRX, GPX.

Oils based on dieters and polyesters - the next step of evolution. They are even better than PJSC oils. Their dumping is lower, below and the friction coefficient. They have a very resistant oil film and excellent detergent properties of the most base. But such a basis is even more expensive, and many oils, in the title of which the word "Esttersa" is present, are not really purely oxtere, and consist of a mixture of hydrocracking products, estrices and a PJSC.

The resource before replacement in such oils is theoretically noticeably above, but by virtue of the features of the operation and the presence of a set of oils with a small package of additives, many consider such "sports" oils and not capable of working with a standard replacement interval.

In fact, the ester oils require less contamination and stabilizing additives, and test results successfully refute the theory of small resource. So do not change the estricular oil every 6 thousand kilometers, unless you want to be reinforced when they are operating on very forced tuning motors.

Butters of this type are able to "rinse" even very polluted motors, so after operation with large replacement intervals on oils with a mineral or hydrocracking basis is what the engine needs.