Is it allowed to transport people in the back of a truck? Transportation of people by truck Trucks designed for the transportation of people.

This section of the Rules contains 9 points, but only the last three requirements of this section concern you directly.

Rules. Section 22. Clause 22.7. The driver is obliged to embark and disembark passengers only after a complete stop vehicle, and start moving only with the doors closed and do not open them until they come to a complete stop.

I see no need to comment on this requirement of the Rules.

Rules. Section 22. Clause 22.8. It is forbidden to transport people outside the car.

Any normal driver understands that transporting people in cargo trailer dangerous, and therefore prohibited by the Rules.

But what's interesting! It would seem that you can move comfortably in a caravan trailer, lying in front of the TV.

Rules. Section 22. Clause 22.8. It is forbidden to transport people in excess of the number specified in the technical characteristics of the vehicle.

The technical documentation attached to the car always indicates how many people it is designed for. And if this convertible is designed for four people, then they are thin or fat, small or large, there is no place for the fifth.

And separately about the transportation of children.

Rules. Section 22. Clause 22.9.

Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car, which is designed with seat belts, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car, the design of which provides for seat belts, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate to the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, ...

... but on front seat a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices).

Rules. Section 22. Clause 22.9. Last paragraph. It is forbidden to transport children under 12 years of age on back seat motorcycle.

That is, it is definitely impossible.

And this is all the more impossible! The front seat is for the driver only.

As for motorcycles and mopeds, here drivers need to know one more requirement of the Rules - for the first two years after obtaining the license, they will drive their vehicles all alone. For novice drivers with less than 2 years of experience, the Rules generally prohibited the transportation of passengers:

Rules. Section 22. Clause 22.2.1. Transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver who has driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 years or more, the transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver who has a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of any category or subcategory for 2 years or more.

The rules for the carriage of passengers in traffic rules are given special attention, since the car has always been considered a source of increased danger. Changes are periodically made to this section, especially if the death rate of passengers in road accidents increases for one reason or another. Requirements for the carriage of passengers are specified in clause 22 of the Rules.

Disembarkation and embarkation of passengers

The vehicle driver should disembark and board passengers only after the vehicle has come to a complete stop. The start of movement is permissible only when the doors are completely closed.

This rule is mandatory, but not all drivers comply with it, moving away even when the passenger door of the vehicle is open.

In this situation, there is a violation of more than one rule, since the driver of the vehicle and passengers are required to buckle up before starting the movement.

Carriage of passengers in a car

Clause 22.8 of the SDA establishes the following restrictions:

  • in any type of vehicle, except for the carriage of passengers in a van body or in the body of a cargo transport vehicle with an onboard platform, it is prohibited to carry passengers outside the cabin or additional structures for motorcycles;
  • it is inadmissible to transport people in quantities exceeding the permissible characteristics of the norms.

At the first point, some drivers periodically close their eyes, carrying people not only in the cab of the car, but also on the hoods, in the trunk, on the roof of the vehicle. It should be borne in mind that the blame for the death of passengers in the event of their death will fall only on the driver, who did not take care of ensuring their safety.

The fine for violation of the rules for the carriage of passengers is 1000 rubles.

For the execution of the second paragraph, a limited number of seats is provided in case passenger cars or restriction on technical specifications for large-sized public transportsuch as buses, trolleybuses or trams.

For transportation of an additional person in the car, a fine of 500 rubles is provided in accordance with Article 12.23 of the Administrative Code. Also, the inspector has the right to issue an additional fine for transporting a passenger without using a seat belt.

Violation of the rule of carriage of passengers can be observed in a situation when there are 6 people in the car instead of 5, and for the sixth there is no seat belt, which means he will not be able to use the protection.

Passenger safety rules

Since January 2012, seat belts are compulsory for all types of vehicles.

In accordance with clause 2.1.2 of the SDA, drivers are required to transport their passengers using safety belts, and if there is an unfastened passenger, do not start driving.

In the case when children under the age of 12 are transported, the driver needs to install a special restraint in the cabin that can securely fix little passenger... The front seat can only carry a child using child seat... At the same time, it is forbidden to transport a child in the back seat of a motorcycle.

Rules for the transportation of people in the back of a truck

In the back of a truck, passengers can be transported only by the driver who has had a VU of category C or subcategory C1 for 3 years or more.

If more than 8, but not more than 16 people are transported in the back of a truck, taking into account the driver and passengers in the cab, then the driver must have category B or subcategory D1. In the case of carrying more than 16 people, including the driver and passengers inside the cabin, only category D is required.

As for the flatbed truck, then with special equipment it is allowed to transport adults. Children are not allowed. If the on-board platform is not equipped for passenger transportation, then travel in such a body is permissible only for persons accompanying the cargo or traveling to receive the latter. But then an equipped seat is required below the level of the boards.

In the back truck more people should not be transported than is permissible according to technical characteristics or in more than there are seats.

Before starting the movement, the truck driver is obliged to instruct passengers on the rules for embarking, disembarking, placing and behaving in the back.

Rules for the carriage of passengers in buses

Spend organized transportation children are allowed only in special buses, which bear the identification marks "Carriage of children".

The driver should remember that he himself must ensure the life and health of his passengers, since this responsibility falls on him.

Video: Rules for the carriage of passengers by road

One of the priority areas of security road traffic - this is to ensure the safety of the life and health of passengers, as well as other road users.

The transportation of people in the back of a truck is regulated by the Road Traffic Rules and Basic Provisions.

Transportation must meet all the requirements set out in the traffic rules in order to avoid harm to the health of passengers.

Driver requirements

The rules for the carriage of people in the back of a truck (22.1 SDA), in force from 25.07.2017, establish that a driver with a certificate granting the right to drive cars of the following categories can carry passengers in the back:

  • category "C" - up to 8 people (including passengers in the cabin);
  • categories "C", "C1", "D1" - from 8 to 16 people;
  • category "D" - from 16 people.

Under what conditions is it allowed to transport people in truck bodies? According to clause 4 of the Basic Provisions of the Traffic Rules, the carriage of passengers is allowed only in a specially equipped body.

The truck body must meet the following requirements:

The sides and seats must be smooth without protruding sharp parts. For boarding (disembarking) people, the body is equipped with a ladder, which is attached from the side of the tailgate, on the right side with respect to the movement.

The side locks must be closed and additionally fixed to prevent accidental opening while driving.

A mandatory requirement is the presence of a fire extinguisher (with a capacity of 2 liters) and a first aid kit in the body.

Video: Transporting People

Before boarding a body equipped for transportation, a body supervisor or a truck driver is instructed on the rules for boarding, placing and disembarking, as well as the rules of behavior while driving.

Embarkation and disembarkation are permitted only from the sidewalk, in the absence of vehicle movement. All movements of passengers can occur only during a stop, with the permission of the body supervisor. The number of passengers cannot exceed the number of seats.

In the back of the truck, the civil carriage of children is strictly prohibited.

When transporting people in the back of a truck, there are several restrictions:

  • piercing and cutting tools must not be transported without a cover or in open boxes;
  • do not move on the body, lean against the sides, sit on them or bend over the side walls while the vehicle is in motion.

If the body of a cargo vehicle with an on-board platform is not equipped with means to carry people, only a certain category of passengers is allowed to be carried in it.

These are the people who provide the escort of the cargo or the persons who follow the receipt. The seating position for such passengers must be at least 15 cm below the board level.

Truck towing

Is it allowed to transport people in the back of a truck when towing? According to clause 20.2 of the SDA, the presence of passengers in the back of a towed truck is unacceptable for any method of towing.

People can only be in the body of the towing vehicle if towing is carried out on a flexible or rigid hitch. If towing is carried out by partial loading, passengers are prohibited from being in both vehicles.

What is the threat to the driver who violates the rules of transportation and what is the fine for transporting people in the back of a gazelle or other truck?

In 2019, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for the following administrative punishment:

Administrative offenses that are subject to a fine also include the absence or violation of pre-trip and post-trip technical inspection car and medical examination of the driver.

If the body of the truck is equipped in accordance with the rules established by the traffic rules, and the driver and passengers comply with all transportation requirements, there are no restrictions on such transportation of people.

An exception is the carriage of children, which can only be carried out in the cab of a truck. To ensure their safety, children must be in a car seat or held by other special equipment and seat belts.

The list of reasons that allow the carriage of passengers in the back of a vehicle is rather small. In this case, it is necessary to comply with several rules.

The Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation indicate that the transportation of people in the back of a truck is possible if certain rules are followed. Among which:

    The driver must have a license of category "C", "D" (depending on the number of passengers) and more than 3 years of experience.

    Body equipment with an onboard platform.

    Seats in the body must be fixed at a distance of at least 30 cm from the upper edge of the side and 30-50 cm from the floor. Another prerequisite is strong backrests.

    There should be as many passengers as there are specially designed seats.

    Only persons accompanying the cargo can be transported in an unequipped body. They must be provided with a seating position, which is below the boards.

Unacceptable violations of transportation of passengers in the back of a truck

Failure to comply with the Road Traffic Regulations prescribed in Chapter 22 will result in fines. The punishment for an offense is imposed if the driver has an inappropriate category of rights, insufficient experience, did not equip the body with an onboard platform, transported more citizens than is allowed. The amount of the fine depends on the type of violation.

Penalty for transporting passengers in a cargo van

Administrative Code Russian Federation a fine is provided for transporting people in the back of a cargo van. It is 1000-3000 rubles. The amount depends on the age of the passengers whose rights have been violated. Failure to comply with the requirements for the transportation of children entails the imposition of maximum administrative fine.

ST 12.23 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation:

    Violation of the rules for the transportation of people, with the exception of the cases provided for in parts 2 and 3 of this article, - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

    Transportation of people outside the cab of the car (except for cases permitted by the Road Traffic Rules), tractor, other self-propelled machines, on a cargo trailer, in a trailer-dacha, in the back cargo motorcycle or outside provided by the design motorcycle seats - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand rubles.

    Violation of the requirements for the carriage of children established by the Rules of the Road - entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of three thousand rubles.

The most gross violation is the neglect of the rights of children when they are transported in vehicles. Trucks, including those equipped with an onboard platform, are not designed to carry children of any age.

If you still have any questions about the fine for transporting passengers to cargo van, you will be answered by professional lawyers advice.