Methods for saving gasoline on a carburetor engine. Tricky ways to save fuel - technical devices and driving style, the choice of gasoline, refueling and additives

Gasoline today is far from cheap, motorists are constantly looking for all kinds of discounts, promotions, buying devices to save gasoline in order to somehow save on fuel,
by today's standards, eating up a large share of the family budget. We will consider some of the ways to save in more detail today.

Neodymium magnets

Most people know that fuel is a dielectric. So if you install such a special one, then the engine power will noticeably increase, and the gasoline consumption will decrease. When heated, the fuel begins to expand, thereby grouping the hydrocarbon molecules included in its composition. Oxygen for these groups becomes inaccessible, but a magnet comes to the rescue, breaking these clots as they pass through it, positively charging the molecules for mixing with oxygen and better combustion. Fuel-saving neodymium magnet devices reduce gas mileage by up to 20%. They are:

  • improve the performance of the lubrication system
  • reduce oil consumption by up to 5%
  • reduce gas emissions by up to 50%
  • increase engine power by 7%
  • clean diesel fuel
  • do not form soot, deposits on the cylinder, piston valves, spark plugs, thereby prolonging their service life
  • magnets are easy to install, quickly pay for themselves.

Low-quality and poorly burning gasoline no longer threatens a car with neodymium magnets. Installing neodymium magnets is easy, it is important to first select a high-quality fuel hose, for efficiency, connect the device as close as possible to the carburetor, fix the hose with a strap. Before installation, you need to remove the contact from the battery. After installing the magnets, we connect the battery back, give the maximum load on the motor, turning on everything that is possible in the car, and take a ride for a few minutes.

Fuel economy on a car with magnets will be noticeable only after 1200 - 1500 km of run, but at first the slag deposits will be removed very actively.

The magnets purchased must be of high quality; before installation, it is important to adjust the supply of fuel assemblies so that the savings are real, and the installed fuel saving device works for the benefit of its owner.

Dudyshev's cannon candles for cars

They allow you to save up to 20% of fuel, reduce the toxicity of the exhaust - up to 70%, increase the engine power - up to 10%. However, the opinion of motorists about their installation is ambiguous. In fact, after the test drives, there is no significant fuel economy, and, apart from the blue bulbs with a bright glow, there is most likely no sense.

How realistic is it to save on fuel from a cigarette lighter?

Today, there are many devices on sale for saving gasoline up to 15-30%, increasing engine power, which are enough to insert into the cigarette lighter (socket). Blue light bulbs, like small batteries, are stuffed with electrolytic condensate, according to manufacturers, improve the operation of the entire electrical system of the car.

A charged capacitor only starts to release electricity when the load on the generator increases. Thanks to the device, some compensation for the missing voltage occurs, thereby removing the load from the battery.

Is it realistic to save fuel on your own?

Whatever the manufacturers of various blue light bulbs claim, mistrust in them remains, and drive tests have shown that they do not bring tangible savings. So, friends, we can only hope to save fuel with our own hands.

How to save gasoline?

  1. It is important to drive a car smoothly, since a lot of energy is spent on consumption during sharp braking, and a large amount of it flies into the air.
  2. Remove unnecessary things from the trunk, which increase not only the weight of the car, but also the energy consumption for movement.
  3. When the speed increases 2 times, gasoline is consumed 4 times more. When driving slowly, gasoline is consumed no less. The optimal speed for saving gasoline is 60 - 100 km per hour. The density of water and air often impedes movement. When driving in the rain, it is better to slow down, especially since it is also safe.
  4. We save electricity. Gasoline consumption increases by almost 40% when various energy consumers are switched on in the passenger compartment. Is it worth turning on unnecessarily, for example, music or air conditioning?
  5. Riding in an air bag. Drive efficiently, that is, join the vehicle in front as close as possible. So it will be more reasonable to move around, which also affects energy consumption.
  6. Also, with an increase in tire pressure, friction and resistance will be less, respectively, and gas mileage will also decrease.
  7. Correct use of the transmission. It is important to monitor the timely gear shifting, as well as the tachometer - if the tachometer shows 2500-3000 rpm, then it's time to change gear.
  8. Reducing air resistance. A plastic body kit installed on the hood or bottom, especially when driving on a highway, will prevent the engine from braking due to air currents and fuel consumption will be more economical.

An automatic transmission, car breakdowns, traffic jams, an empty roof rack lead to an increase in consumption.

You can also try special gasoline additives to save fuel, which are gasoline additives that come in liquid form or as tablets.

Saving fuel on a car with your own hands will be more noticeable than using additives, questionable candles or light bulbs inserted into a cigarette lighter.

All of the above tips are simple and, I hope, will be useful to you, dear readers and drivers.

15 to 60% savings on gasoline. This is exactly how much you can get if you apply all the methods I have listed in this article. It's amazing how much gasoline we burn in vain literally out of the blue.

Find out how many extra liters YOU are spending!

Method number 0: Visit the service

Out of competition.

Increased fuel consumption can be caused by a number of breakdowns. Everything written in this article assumes that your car is in good working order.

Visit the service regularly.

Method # 1: Reducing Cx

Cx is the drag coefficient. Than bigger car similar to a bar of soap, the smaller it is.

For example, Gelendvagen, Cx \u003d 0.55:

Lada Priora, Cx \u003d 0.32:

Toyota Prius, Cx \u003d 0.25:

Racing car: Cx \u003d 0.16:

“Well, okay, I see. What should I do with my Gelendvagen? Do you want to tap sharp corners with a sledgehammer? "

We will not tap the corners, but we will remove some of the unnecessary - a good idea... Here is a useful plate:

If you've forgotten the last time you used your roof rack, why not remove it?

And why every third man disfigures his car with a "fly swatter", I, apparently, will never understand. You can try to "enlighten" me in the comments.

Method number 2: Reducing the weight of the car

Well, that's understandable: less mass - less consumption.

Check if you are carrying unnecessary things with you ( baby chair, winter tires and cylinders with "frost-free" in summer).

Thinking of installing additional sound insulation? Remember that it will increase the weight of your car by 50-100 kg, and the consumption by 0.4-0.7 liters. That is, you will pay for the sound insulation for the entire service life of the car.

In countries with excellent roads, it is wise to remove the spare tire. True, I heard that new cars are not equipped there anyway. In Russia, such a "trick" can hardly be called successful. I don’t know about the roads in Ukraine.

Method number 3: change your driving style

For some, there are endless reserves of savings (and according to the boring German traffic safety council - up to 25%).

What is the most economical driving style?

Ask your grandfather: "smart" speed selection, smooth acceleration and deceleration. You also need to take into account the work of traffic lights and the traffic situation in general. In a nutshell: the less often you use the brake, the less consumption.

Method # 4: Choose your travel time wisely

You stand in a traffic jam - you waste gasoline.

Maybe it makes sense to leave with a reserve? Maybe at 6 in the morning? Yes, you will arrive earlier, but you will save time and fuel, and the remaining hour can be devoted, for example, to reading the Lifehacker.

I also don’t go to the center on weekdays. I save up all these things and do them in one fell swoop on Sunday, when the roads are much freer.

Method number 5: Choose your route wisely

Lifehacker regularly articles about navigators. Many navigators are equipped with a traffic alert function. On other days, this can save you several hours of time and a couple of liters of gasoline.

By the way, friends, it will be great if you write your favorite service in the comments. I'm just looking at this topic.

Method number 6: On the track, use cruising speed

Cruising speed is the speed at which fuel consumption is minimal. Most often, it is achieved in the last gear at a speed of 2-2.5 thousand rpm.

The more powerful the car, the higher the cruising speed. For my "choked" Ford Fiesta (83 hp) this speed is about 90 km / h.

An increase in speed above cruising speed will inevitably lead to an increase in consumption. How much? Take the VAZ 2105 as an example:

  • 80 km / h - 7 liters per 100 km
  • 100 km / h - 11 liters per 100 km (.

Often cruising speed point to service book car. Look, maybe you have it listed there.

Method number 7: choose the right gear

As I said, fuel consumption is minimal when the tachometer is 2-2.5 thousand rpm. Always try to select a gear so that you drive at these speeds.

IN modern cars sometimes a special prompt is installed, which signals when it is necessary to switch up or down. At the end of the trip, such a machine may even give you an “environmental rating”.

If you have a machine gun, then of course you don't have to think about the chosen speed.

Method number 8: Selection of rubber

Some tires use more fuel, others less. The difference can be up to 0.5 liters per 100 km. Agree, a lot?

By choosing economical tires, rely not on the manufacturer's data, but on real tests carried out by all leading auto publications.

Method number 9: do not put wheels of a larger radius

Many people put on their cars wheels of a larger radius, for example, R16 instead of R14. Of course, we can agree that the car looks "cooler" this way:

But, unfortunately, this will have to pay for increased costs.

How much?

I did not find reliable data, but there is a popular belief that 1 cm of radius adds 1 liter per 100 km to the consumption. A lot.

Method # 10: Correct tire pressure

I will not advise you to pump tires. Yes, this will reduce consumption, but at what cost? It is wiser to pump them up to the top bar recommended by the manufacturer.

It says that the pressure drop from 2.0 kg / sq. cm up to 1.5 kg / sq. cm leads to an overconsumption of fuel by about 3%.

Monitor your tire pressure. Or pay in rubles.

Method number 11: buy a heated garage

It is not easy to warm up the car in winter, and while it is warming up precious gasoline burns. A heated garage can solve this problem in the bud.

Method number 12: Get a discount card

You will laugh, but for years I stopped by the same gas station, and thought of issuing there discount card only recently. It took me 5 minutes. Now I save 3% from each filling. I'm sure most of the big chains have something like this.

Bad Method # 1: Turn Off Electrical Appliances

Of course, if you turn off the air conditioner in the heat and sweat, then the consumption will decrease significantly (by about 2 l / 100 km). Opening windows is not an option. Remember that in this case the aerodynamics of the car will deteriorate. "Behind the wheel" even somehow conducted an experiment: what more fuel eats - an air conditioner or open windows. For the life of me, I don't remember its result. Write in the comments, who also read this article, how they ended up.

From the same series, turning off headlights, music, heated seats.

I don't think this is a good way to save money. If you really give up the comfort in the car, then you have to go to the end and change to a bicycle.

Bad way number 2: Driving in the "aerothene" of a large truck

On the track, you can sit tightly behind a crawling wagon and drive in its "aeroteny". They say that this way you can save as much as 3% of gasoline.

I would like to see a person who cares so much about the environment that he is ready to “swallow” Kamaz exhaust for a long time. And the truck driver, it seems to me, will not tolerate such a "hare" for a long time and will try to do something. And you can forget about "Keep your distance".

In short, a way for freaks.

Bad Method # 3: Engine Additives

I mean the "miracle additives" that are poured into the gas tank or crankcase and which promise fuel economy. I followed this topic at one time, but never before has not a single automotive publisher been able to identify any significant savings.

For myself, I put an end to this topic. Or do you have a different experience? Write in the comments.

Bad Method # 4: Neutral Riding

When the car rolls down a hill or rolls over to a traffic light by inertia, you can put the gear lever in neutral. The car stops braking by the engine, which means we save. Here is such a theory.

However, it has been proven that even fuel economy cannot be achieved. At the same time, driving in "neutral" can be dangerous - at the right moment you simply cannot quickly pick up speed. And this may be necessary, for example, in the event of a skid.

To tell you the truth, I drive like that myself sometimes. I will get rid of!

Bad Method # 5: Buying an Electric Car or Hybrid

Electric cars have great benefits in some countries: tax breaks in Japan and Norway, free parking space in London, dedicated traffic lanes in the same Norway.

Owners of hybrids, let alone electric vehicles, are wonderful people who make our air cleaner. But I cannot admit that the purchase of an electric car was successful only as a means of saving money. Even in the US, a hybrid starts to pay for itself only after 90,000 kilometers. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't pay off in Russia in principle. No benefits for you, and the prices for these cars are lifted up to the skies.

What ways to save money have I missed?

Write in the comments!

I will also be glad to laugh with you and at bad ideas.

If you seriously decided to optimize the fuel consumption, then you should start with diagnostics technical condition your car. Your main enemy in saving, as a rule, will be polluted air filter... When less air passes through this channel, a re-enriched mixture is formed. As a result, we have excessive consumption of gasoline or diesel fuel. As a rule, car manufacturers recommend changing such "consumables" every 15,000 km. However, this figure will of course vary depending on driving conditions. Generally, drivers in densely populated cities and people who drive on dusty and muddy roads should change their air filters at least twice as often as prescribed in the instructions. This is especially true for owners of cars with turbodiesel units.

Timely replacement of spark plugs can also have significant savings. It is definitely not worth neglecting this advice, since worn out spark plugs can provoke a number of breakdowns, most often - failure of the ignition coil. Typically, the service life of standard nickel spark plugs is about 15,000 km. However, there are also silver, iridium, yttrium and platinum candles with extended service life. Some of the models can cost ten times more than the standard ones, but the "mileage" of the best of such products is increased by almost an order of magnitude relative to cheap analogs.

The next important component in the matter of efficiency is the characteristics car tires... Advice that summer tires at above-zero temperatures, it is more economical than an all-season one, and even more so in winter, let us leave it to the "Captain Obvious". However, for sure many have heard of such an important factor in saving as the correct tire pressure. But what should this pressure be for the most economical and safe driving? First of all, not exactly lowered relative to the regulations indicated on the driver's door pillar or, less often, on the inside of the fuel filler flap. As a rule, for an average car, a pressure of up to 2.2 bar for the front axle wheels and 2.4 bar for the rear axle is recommended. However, if there are several people in the cabin, the pressure in each of the wheels should be increased - again to the values \u200b\u200brecommended by the automaker.

According to experts, a decrease in pressure in all wheels by at least 0.1 bar will increase fuel consumption by about 2%. On the other hand, there is a conventional wisdom that tires should be "inflated" a little to save fuel. Strictly speaking, this is how it is - this way you can reduce consumption by 3-5%. However, in this scenario, you will have the side effect of increased rubber wear, deterioration in directional stability and ride comfort, and, accordingly, an increase in the load on the suspension. As they say, it's up to you.

Your driving style also has a huge impact on actual fuel consumption. The main advice here is to avoid abrupt starts and equally rapid braking. If your car is equipped with mechanical transmission, then it makes sense not to activate higher gears at low speeds, but at the same time try to switch "up" a little earlier than it happens during active driving. The general advice is to keep the engine at a medium speed. In most cases, we are talking about 2500-3000 rpm.

And here is a simple "life hack" for owners of cars with a hydromechanical "automatic" - maintain overdrive. For this there are the most different ways - from turning on the "Overdrive" button available in a number of models to activating the "Winter" (upshifting is carried out at lower crankshaft revolutions), Eco-modes and modern systems "Start-Stop", which automatically turn off the motor at stops. Sometimes it also makes sense to shift to higher gears in manual "automatic" mode. Well, the Sport and Kick Down modes, as you know, do not contribute to fuel economy at all.

There is a well-known and at the same time quite radical way to save fuel, alas, at the expense of your comfort. It's about turning off the air conditioner. Such a measure can reduce the consumption immediately from 5 to 20%. While we are not encouraging you to go to such extreme measures, here is what you need to know. If you decide to compensate for the shutdown climate control opening windows, then be aware that such a measure will not allow you to seriously save money, especially when driving on high speeds... The fact is that with open and half-open windows, aerodynamics suffers - the air flows entering the car will provide additional resistance to movement.

By the way, about air flows. If you are serious about saving fuel, you should not make temporary and global changes to the aerodynamics of the car. Even streamlined roof boxes from reputable manufacturers will increase the car's appetite by at least 1 liter when driving faster than 120 km / h. What can we say about the classic roof racks - here the consumption can increase much more seriously. You should not get carried away with all kinds of "collective farm" body kits, anti-wings and deflectors that violate the aerodynamics calculated by the factory engineers in the so-called wind tunnels.

And in conclusion, a few not entirely obvious nuances of savings. Warm up the car before driving in cold weather, even if the automaker does not recommend doing so. Engines modern carsmobiles really willingly work "cold", but in this case, the electronics optimize the working mixture by increasing fuel consumption. On average, you will burn at least 7% more fuel when driving with a cold engine. If, however, when the engine warms up, you also activate the heated seats and windows, turn on the stove and headlights, the consumption will increase by at least 10%.

Do not try to exceed the speed limit on the highway. Even if your car is equipped with a modern transmission that allows you not to exceed the average engine speed, fuel consumption will still increase in this case, since the aerodynamic resistance will increase.

Monitor battery health. With its constant "undercharging" the electronics will command the engine to recharge it frequently, thereby increasing fuel consumption.

Finally, minimize vehicle weight. Remember that every extra 50 kg of weight increases fuel consumption by an average of 1 liter for every 100 km. It is clear that you will not be driving alone all the time. However, you can easily remove unnecessary trash from the trunk, refuel fuel tank not completely, use lightweight wheel disks (as an option - forged), replace the battery with a lighter one, and with a strong desire to subject the car to moderate tuning, install a lightweight exhaust system, seats, suspension elements, etc. The latest measures, however, are already extreme, for enthusiasts. Be that as it may, if you follow at least some of the tips above, you will notice that you stop by gas stations much less often than you are used to.

Many factors affect gas mileage - driving style, driving conditions, presence or absence maintenance, as well as the work of additional equipment. Heed these simple tips and your car's fuel economy will not affect your ride comfort. You will be able to use gasoline efficiently, which means that you will become much less likely to call in to gas stations.

These are the simple rules:

Fuel consumption depends on the engine oil used. The engine runs on a mixture of gasoline and air that drives pistons and other parts of the engine. The resulting resistance requires energy consumption, hence fuel consumption. Motor oil provides lubrication of engine parts, the lower the viscosity it has, the easier it moves and is wasted less fuel... Those who are thinking about how to save gasoline should pay attention to this important parameter. Synthetic oil with low level viscosity allows you to reduce waste by 5-10%.

2. Gas consumption and additional equipment

Air conditioning, car radio, stove, headlights, wipers, satellite navigation and any other optional equipmentworking inside a car consumes fuel. Because of this, you spend 5-30% more gasoline, which is a lot. Of course, otherwise the ride comfort will suffer, but sometimes it is better to sacrifice it. If you need to hold out until refueling in emergency situation, disable all additional devices.

3. Check the air filter

Your car's air filter should be checked regularly. If it is dirty, less air passes through it, for this reason you use more fuel. In order to check its condition, place the filter in the light. When it stops letting in light, it's time to replace it.

4. Use a fuel saver

By connecting a Fuel Shark device, you can significantly reduce gasoline consumption. The economizer is installed in the cigarette lighter socket, while fuel consumption is reduced by 30%, the ride is improved and the engine throttle response increases. The device can also be used on diesel, injection and carburetor cars... It acts as an extra battery to help the electrical system run more efficiently.

Order a fuel economy by promotion

5. Reduce speed

Driving quickly leads to excessive fuel consumption. The higher the speed, the more gasoline you spend. This increases the speed of the engine, which requires a lot of energy. Start driving more slowly and you will immediately feel the difference in your spending.

6. Move smoothly

Optimum fuel consumption occurs when the machine moves smoothly and evenly. This advice will be especially useful for those who are thinking about how to save gasoline on a machine. Analyze your route and try to go through it without haste, without acceleration and hard braking. Each additional press on the accelerator pedal wastes energy.

Use all available transmission functions, very often car owners forget about them for some reason. Choose the "economy" mode or select it depending on the road surface. By shifting into neutral, you allow the transmission to cool down, which reduces energy costs. It is best to get under way smoothly and without jerking. If your car is equipped with cruise control and the track is not loaded, use it. By keeping the speed constant, you can also save a lot of fuel.

7. Try to slow down less

It takes more energy to move a stationary car than when it is moving, even if the speed is slow. For this reason, traffic jams should be avoided, because it is in them that drivers often have to start. When approaching a traffic light, you can start braking in advance, then the car will not completely stop at the moment when the green light comes on.

8. Close windows

When driving fast better not to open windows. The fact is that air flows into the car and provide additional resistance. The engine needs more energy to maintain this speed, which means more fuel consumption.

9. Use heating

The more often the car is started and warmed up, the more fuel consumption will be. In the cold season, car owners have to warm up the engine. After a long stay in the cold, it is more difficult to start, it also negatively affects the condition of the equipment and its resource. In order to reduce the consumption of gasoline, a special heating should be used. Some devices operate on power supply, but stand-alone models are becoming more and more popular.

10. Insulate the engine in winter.

If the car warms up quickly, it uses less fuel. Thanks to special car blankets made from fire-resistant materials, you can stay warm longer. The engine will cool down more slowly, which is very useful when you are out somewhere shortly and are about to hit the road again soon.

11. Choose mechanics

An automatic transmission consumes 10-15% more fuel than a manual one. If the question of how to save gasoline on mechanics is more relevant for you, you should take into account that timely switching to downshift not only will reduce the load on the engine, but will also allow you to efficiently use fuel.

12. Watch the tire pressure

Tire pressure affects gas mileage and should be checked before driving. There is nothing wrong if it is 0.3 bar higher than the standard. This will slightly increase the pressure on the body and suspension parts, but will not affect the ride quality. The driver and passengers will not notice any changes. In modern cars, this parameter is monitored by a computer, in this case, fuel economy occurs without your participation.

13. Reduce vehicle weight

The less the car weighs, the less energy is needed to accelerate it. When you are just planning to buy a car, you should pay attention to its mass and take a closer look at lightweight models. Please note that when the load is increased by only 100 kg, the fuel consumption increases by approximately 20%. Get rid of unnecessary things and junk by storing it in the trunk. Clean up and leave any excess in the garage.

Greetings, friends!

Over the past year, gasoline in Russia has risen in price by about 10%, and such an increase has hurt the pockets of Russian motorists. In this regard, the question "how to save gasoline?" becomes more and more relevant every day. In today's post, we'll take a look at 10 of the most effective ways to save gas for manual transmission drivers.

Saving gasoline on mechanics: is it realistic?

I myself drive a mechanic, and I set out to start saving gas as much as possible, because I have to drive a lot. I have tried a large number of recommendations on this matter, and I will share with you only those that worked for me personally.

For example: when I bought a car in April 2017, 92nd gasoline cost 37 rubles per liter. Today the price is already more than 43 rubles per liter, and the number of kilometers that a car drives to a gas station that is usual at a cost is gradually decreasing.

Today I can say for sure: saving gasoline on mechanics is real, and from the moment I tried various recommendations and began to apply the most effective of them, my fuel costs decreased by about 10%.

Considering that the monthly costs for gasoline are 5,000-6,000 thousand rubles, then I started saving about 500 rubles per month, which is equivalent to 12 liters of gasoline, which I can drive an additional 120-130 kilometers per month, thanks to savings.

Features of saving gasoline on mechanics

A well-known fact - cars with a manual transmission consume about 5-10% less gasolinethan with an automatic transmission. In addition, drivers who drive mechanics in to a greater extent may affect to save gasoline by their actions.

In general, all ways to save gasoline are divided into 2 groups:

  1. preliminary preparation of the car;
  2. driver's actions while driving;

This article was written specifically for those who ride mechanics, and therefore we will start with precisely those methods that are directly related to the peculiarities of driving on mechanical box gears, and then move on to ways to optimize the car to save gas.

Warming up the car

First of all, you need to make sure that the car warms up for the optimal amount of time without wasting gasoline, because idle speed most cars are quite "gluttonous". The optimal warm-up time for a car with mechanics: in summer - 1-2 minutes, in winter 4-5 minutes... The main thing is not to accelerate to maximum speeds the first kilometers of the way.

Some drivers have a habit of warming up a car for 15-20 minutes, especially in winter, while the average gasoline consumption is a liter per hour. This means that just one warming up of the car takes more than 10 liters of gasoline per month. At the same time, most auto experts agreed that long heating does not benefit the car, but only reduces its resource.

Correct gear shifting

The key to fuel economy on the mechanics is correct, timely gear shifting. The lower the gear, the more powerful it is and the more fuel it requires. Therefore, the first rule is do not overexpose transmissions above their threshold speed limit. For example, for most cars, the transition from 1st gear to second is recommended at around 20 km / h. Make sure that the needle on the speedometer does not go over 20 km / h in first gear. Approaching this mark, go to the second. An even more economical option would be to switch to the second at around 17-18 km / h. The car will accelerate a little more slowly, but the savings in gasoline will be significant, given that we have to accelerate from a standstill hundreds of times a day.

Competent work with the gas pedal

The second most important point of saving is the smooth use of the gas fall. First of all, this concerns the acceleration of the car from a standstill, after its complete stop. The smoother the start, the less gasoline the engine uses for this.

Further acceleration should also be as smooth as possible. When changing gear, do not "press" the accelerator pedal immediately, try increase pressure gradually... Remember that the optimal number of revolutions while driving is between 2000 and 2500, and it is in this interval that the most tangible savings in gasoline are achieved when driving mechanically.

If the traffic is slow enough try to maintain a smooth riding rhythm in 1st or 2nd gear, minimizing stopping times. Highest consumption fuel is acceleration. Therefore, try to feel the speed of the flow, and instead of stopping and moving off several times, it is better to drive smoothly in first gear, which will be much more economical.

"Gluttonous" brake pedal

It is known that braking a car also requires gasoline costs, as well as acceleration. Many drivers forget about this, making hundreds of extra brake strokes a day.

There are two ways to reduce the number of brake pedal uses. At first, increase distance to the vehicle in front, so you don't have to adapt to its driving style, and you can maintain the most uniform speed.

Secondly, stopping only with the brake pedal is not the most economical and practical option. The most optimal for driving mechanics is to master engine braking and combine it using the brake pedal. If you are not familiar with how to properly brake the engine, then watch this short video tutorial so as not to make mistakes.

Can I roll in neutral?

This is the most controversial issue regarding fuel economy. I will say right away that I myself did not drive correctly for a long time. As soon as there is a red light in front, or in front standing car I slowed down, I switched to "neutral" and rolled, at least 100-200 meters, thinking that this is how I save gasoline. However, after understanding the question, I realized that from the point of view of economy, this is not correct.

In neutral, the engine consumes the amount of fuel it needs. to maintain idle speed... And if the gear is on, and the gas pedal is released, then the fuel supply to the combustion chamber is stopped until the engine speed reaches the level idle move, i.e. the vehicle is in power saving mode. Therefore, the most effective way to "roll" on the mechanics - engine braking, drive to a complete stop.

Of all the elements of fuel economy, engine braking is the most difficult process, so do not rush to apply it until you have fully mastered the correct technique.

We have analyzed the main features of saving gasoline on a manual transmission, and observing only these recommendations can already reduce fuel consumption by 8-10%. But there are some more simple recommendations related to technical part car that will also help you reduce your gasoline costs by about 5%. Go!

Reducing car weight

First of all, it is necessary to rid the car of all unnecessary things. Many drivers neglect this, rolling with them in the trunk with them boxes of tools, a set of tires and much more that will not be useful to them on the road. The most expensive moment when driving mechanically is acceleration from a standstill. On the one hand, the 30-50 kg weight reduction does not seem like a significant change, given that the machine itself usually weighs about a ton. But think about the fact that in a month we accelerate the car from a standstill 500-1000 times, and if each time the repulsed weight is at least 1 kg less, then in a month the engine will have to accelerate a total of 1000 kg less weight.

Wheel inflation

The tire inflation rate is an individual indicator for each vehicle. However, it is important to monitor this level not only visually, but also periodically measuring pressure in tires using a pump. It is a known fact that under-inflated or over-inflated tires negatively affect both fuel economy and tire wear.

If the pressure in your wheels is stable, then it is necessary to check and, if necessary, inflate the wheels at least once a week. If one of the tires gets flat all the time, then it’s better to solve this problem at the tire service than to pump it up every day.

Improved aerodynamics

Aerodynamics of a car is the level of its resistance to air currents while driving. The more streamlined the car has, the less air resistance, which means less gas mileage.

It would seem, how can this be influenced? Here are some ways:

Improve aerodynamics by as much as 10% will help removal of the trunk on the roof. If you have it, remember the last time you used it? Maybe you don't need it so much? Then shoot.

You can improve performance by 5% if high speed keep windows closed. In winter this is not a problem, but in summer, at a speed of more than 50 km / h, turning on, for example, an air conditioner, will be more economical than open windows.

Surprisingly, aerodynamics can be improved by about 3% by removing the "fly swatter" from the hood, because this detail does not bring a tangible positive effect.

Car diagnostics

Even if the car does not have pronounced malfunctions, it still needs to be periodically shown to the master to prevent damage. Optimally, once every 2-3 months. As for fuel economy, then most attention must be given timely replacing the air filter.

Of all the elements of the car, the air filter has the greatest effect on fuel consumption, because affects the degree of saturation of combustion fuel with oxygen. If the filter becomes clogged, the combustible mixture enters the chambers internal combustion with a minimum amount of oxygen, and its lack is compensated by an increase in gasoline consumption.

For each model, the frequency of changing the air filter is different, but I advise you to change it at least every 10,000 km, because it is not expensive, and you do not need to go to the master to replace it. In addition, every 2-3 thousand km the air filter can be shaken out of the accumulated dust, which will also have a positive effect on saving gasoline.

Choosing the right route

Many motorists have been using the same route to work or home for years, without thinking that there might be faster, less congested routes. For this I recommend use the navigator periodically, paving the route in search of the most optimal one, because road congestion depends on many factors and sometimes faster and more convenient routes will appear than your usual one.

We have considered the most effective ways fuel economy for mechanic drivers, and by following these few simple guidelines, you can start saving 10-15% of fuel each month.