What is weaving along the axes. High speeds

Your car can be fast in the right turns, while in the left turns have a greater insufficient turning. After tuning the suspension, you still achieve neutrality in the left turns, but the right-handed "Overwork" appears in the right. You go to more radical measures - change the springs, racks, transverse stabilizers And it seems that anything does not work. What is happening?

Static weight distribution.

This characteristic shows us how much weight is accounted for each wheel with direct contact with road coating. To measure this indicator, you need to have the most lightweight car for the regulations, but with all fluids (oil, fuel, brake fluid etc.) and, naturally, with the driver.

When working with a static weight distribution, two characteristics are used: a static weight distribution on the left side (for the "left-handed" car) and the statistical distribution of weight on the rear axle.

The first we find by summing the weight on the left front and rear wheels and the division of this value for the entire weight of the car, and the second - the summation of the weight on rear wheels and dividing the result, again, on the weight of the car. Many electronic scales make such calculations automatically.

For ring racing and slaloms, an ideal condition is when exactly half of weight falls on the driver's side. How much weight "gives" to the rear axle is not so important for this discipline. But it is worth remembering that than more power The car, the more static weights should fall on its leading axis. Thus, it is possible to achieve a faster exit from rotation.

It is important to remember - change the static weight distribution can only be done by the physical movement of the ballast on the body.


"Cross" - a comparison of weight on the diagonal and total weight of the car. To calculate it, you need to summarize the weight on the right and left at the left, and after sharing the car.

The more this attitude, the greater the lack of turning will be in the left corners. So the ideal attitude, naturally, will be 50%. Manageability balance will be approximately the same both in the right and left turns.

How to "raise" your racing car?

Make sure that the weighing platform is perfectly smooth, even a small angle can give a strong error

Install the optimal tire pressure.

Put the weight equivalent to the driver's weight to the driver's seat, ideally - just put the driver there.

Fill gasoline (note that the number of gasoline liters at the beginning of the race, in the middle and at the end - not the same)

Disconnect stabilizers transverse stability (if possible)

Make sure the wheels are on the corresponding marks on the platform for weight measurement.

Change static weight distribution:

The only way to regulate static weighting is to move ballast on the body.

To increase the percentage of weighing on the left - move ballast to the left.

To increase the percentage of ravings from the back - move ballast back.

Do not hurry to move such elements like a radiator, battery and fuel tankIf there is ballast in the car.

Ideal weighing on the left - 50%.

Change "Cross":

First execute all previous items!

Changing the height of the vehicle in any corner will change the "Cross" indicator.

To add weight to a specific corner, you need to raise the car in this corner, or omit in the opposite.

It is better to make small changes in every corner than working with 1 angle.

Always fix in your records, in what proportion corresponds to the "Cross" weight and height of the vehicle in different angles.

Setting on the track:

On the track, do everything carefully, do not rush, make a small change, run around, test and only then continue modifications. Only 1 amendment at a time!

If the car has insufficient or excess turning, check the cross-weight indicator.

Vladislav Shatov translated

The overloaded car both passenger and cargo is a big danger to the driver and other participants in the movement. In addition, it creates an increased load for the roadway, which suffers in any case. How to calculate overload, and what are the fines for riding with violations today? Every driver must understand its responsibility and know that he threatens.

Permissible mass of vehicles

In the summer of 2015, a change in the relevant acts about the carriage of goods russian roads. Based on this document, new norms of car permissible mass were introduced.

For example, the maximum weight of the machine, which has the right without additional permission to leave the road, is 44 tons. This is the maximum maximum.

For passenger cars, such norms, of course, does not exist. But does this mean that you can overload your car and ride unpunished? The limit still exists. It was concluded that it is forbidden to transport a large number of passengers. This is punishable by the appropriate fine.

Permissible axial load

In a relationship cargo transport The rule of load on the axis is valid. it the most important thing When calculating. In order to understand how the load is calculated, you need to figure out the simplest concepts.

So all cars are divided into two classes:

  1. "A" - three categories operated on the tracks: the first, second and third, respectively.
  2. "B" - carried out movement on any road.

The permissible values \u200b\u200bare indicated below.

First of all, for cars:

  • with two axes - 18 tons;
  • with three axes - 25 tons;
  • with four axes - 32 tons;
  • with five axes - 35 tons.

As for road trains, other standards are installed for them:

  • with three axes - 28 tons;
  • with four axes - 36 tons;
  • with five axes - 40 tons;
  • with six axes and more - 44 tons.

How to calculate?

The load calculation is made by complex formula. Also need to take into account maximum mass For roads of a certain category. The load of the truck is distributed as follows: it is less on the front axis, it is much higher on the back (or rear).

When the car comes on the scales in the post, the control officer enjoys a special reference book where a huge number of types are collected vehicle And a detailed load on their axis is painted. Consider a few examples and we define how it adds to each axis.

The cargo "Gazelle" has two axes: front and rear. The total weight of the car is formed by the formula:

M Ts \u003d n in + n zo, where:

It would seem that everything is simple, but for other vehicles it is not always possible to apply this formula. Three-axle cars with two combined axes need to be calculated otherwise. For example, take the car "KAMAZ" -53215. The calculation is already under the formula:

M TS \u003d N P + N T, where:

  • M TS is a mass of vehicle;


Consider the table permissible loads. Note that the norms are given for each axis.

The calculation should be made as accurately as possible, since the error may be no more than 5%. The closer the axis is located to each other, the stronger the pressure on the road canvas. This explains the dependence on the distance.

Legislative restrictions on other countries

By sending a loaded car outside Russia or for a commodity, it is important to explore the legislation to avoid fines that can significantly affect the budget.

Below is a table with which you can determine the full permissible mass of cars in some countries.

Countries / car biaxial three-way four-way trailer in 2 axes trailer in 3 axes motor train in 4 axes auto tray in 5 and 6 axes auto tray Sadel 3 axis auto tray Sadel 4 axis
Poland 19 26 30 18 24 37 40 29 38
Germany 17 24 32 18 24 35 40 27 35
France 19 26 26 19 24 38 40 38
Belgium 19 28 32 20 30 38 44 29 39
Spain 20 26 26 20 26 38 38 38
Belarus 20 25 26 20 26 36 44 38
Kazakhstan 18 25 32 18 24 32 44 28 38

Transport companies carefully study the information and laws of other countries and insure those who addressed them.

Statistical and dynamic weighing

At special paragraphs, located on the track, the control weighing occurs in order to determine whether the car is overloaded, and what is the load on the axis.

Weigh it in two ways:

  • in statics;
  • in dynamics.

Both of these methods are applied today, find out what their difference. So, weighing in the statics happens like this: the car comes on the scales and stops. This method determines the exact weight of the vehicle at the moment.

Weighing in the dynamics occurs at the slow motion of the vehicle. This method is necessary to determine the load on each axis. The car moves by weight at a speed not higher than 5 km / h.

The only minus of such a way is the error that you need to know. Maximum it can be 3%.

All scales used today at weighing items, mainly electronic. Entry on them is made using a ramp. Not always in one post are installed at once two types of scales.

Responsibility for overload

Undoubtedly, all citizens having cars know that there is a responsibility for overload. Most often drivers face trucks. The owners of the passenger vehicles for the most part are not thinking about overloading in general.

Maximum permissible mass Auto, if you do not take into account the load on the axis, is installed even until the machine comes from the conveyor. In each document on the vehicle there is a line about this moment.

The manufacturer itself knows what load can withstand the car. This is affected by many factors: from parts used in production, up to the distance between the axes.

What does the overload lead to?

Responsibility for overload is very serious. Similar actions sometimes lead to serious consequences, among them:

  1. Creature emergency situation. The overloaded car moves along the road is not stable. In addition, the load creates pressure on the axis, which may not withstand at one point.
  2. Destruction of the roadway. It is difficult to argue with this, but overloaded cars really break the roads. Pits on them are a huge problem of the country, fines are not always able to cover the damage.
  3. Details of the car and its parts come into disrepair, obsolete and breaks the vehicle itself.
  4. If the car is overloaded, the deceleration path will be longer, which will create an additional risk of an emergency.

These are not all factors, on the basis of which drivers can strictly fly.

Freight car

Drivers truck vehicles You also need to remember how to properly transport certain types of cargo:

  • large;
  • dangerous and others.

Penalties for violation are provided for Article 12.21 of the Administrative Code. They are divided into three types:

In some cases, during the carriage of goods, permission may be needed. If it is not, then you are also waiting for a fine.

In some situations, when documents are issued on the goods, and the weight does not coincide with what is presented in the papers, an additional inspector may impose a fine of 5,000 rubles. For companies, it will increase at least 50 times.

The traffic police inspector does not have the right to write a fine if the control weighing has not happened. It is possible to determine the overload to the eye, but it is impossible to prove it in any way.

A car

In the code obl administrative offenses There is not a word about overloading passenger vehicles. No one weighs them on the road. In this case, the inspector may find a different reason in order to write a fine.

Those who load a car Under the string, they know how it affects manageability, drifts and wear of parts. Most often drivers passenger cars We write out a penalty for incorrect passenger transportation. They can be placed exactly as much as approved in the documents.

Penalties are as follows:

  • warning;
  • 500 rubles for violation of transport rules;
  • 1000 rubles for not a fastened seat belt.

So, the overview of the car is a serious violation for which the responsibility is provided. Before you go to the road, read the rules. If a transport companies Take all responsibility for ourselves, then the private driver will have to answer independently.

Authoritative experts I. experienced motorists It is confidently argued that the car's properly spent speaking is able to give him unsurpassed dynamics, reduce the acceleration time, reduce fuel consumption and significantly improve some specifications. This is true, but any experiments with a change in the factory parameters (and the redistribution of weight along the axes is a serious intervention in the result of the work of engineers) should be thoroughly thought out and calculated. It is believed that for a relaxed ride with a permitted speed, the car's wave is not needed at all. Sufficiently reduce the total weight of the machine - and you will receive an additional tenth seconds for overclocking time. It is done very simple: you need to replace alloy wheels forged and get up to 20% weight savings on each wheel. But if you are interested in serious tuning and the preparation of the car to sports competitions, without redistributing the mass.

Total weight and dynamics

Exist general rulewhich reduces the weight of the car by 100 kilograms gives a decrease in overclocking time by 10%. As an example, take a model weighing 1500 kg with a 100-strong engine. If the manufacturer of the overclocking time to a speed of 100 km per hour is 9 seconds, the reduction in weight by 150 kg will provide overclocking for 8.1 seconds. It should be remembered that a strict linear dependence works only in the conditions of airless space. If you try to overclock the car up to 120 km per hour or more, then about half of the engine power will be spent on overcoming aerodynamic resistance air. If we take a sports car as an example, the time of overclocking up to 160 km per hour will decrease by no 10%, but by 2-3%. More powerful engines give a tangible increase, but drastically reduce the acceleration time to high speeds you will not work anyway.


Specialists advise maximum load leading wheels. This weaving gives a significant decrease in overclocking time. Some sports-style lovers manage to redistribute the weight of almost up to 80%, making drive wheels (in most cases - the rear) are huge, and the front is almost imperceptible. The increase in the dynamics of such tuning will give, but he has one huge drawback. The slightest error in management will lead to the fact that the front wheels will be off the ground. And the absence of additional aerodynamic elements on the body will end with a short flight and very sad consequences.

Controlness and resistance on the road

The maximum load on the front wheels affects the location of the center of gravity of the masses of the car and contributes to stabilization. An angles of wheels have important importance: the achievement of their balance provides neutral or insufficient turning. As practice shows, the stability and controllability of the car depends not only from the ravings. When tuning, it is important to take into account the dimension of the tires, the pressure value in them, the corners of the wheels of the wheels, the kinematics of the suspension - all this allows you to achieve the necessary characteristics even on the rear-wheel drive car.

Mass reducing options

Methods to reduce the weight of the car or to redistribute the mass along the axes a huge set. Some of them are really effective and do not require substantial costs, some are radically change the design of the car and therefore unsafe. The most simple I. available methods Weching are:

  • riding with half empty tank - saving up to 30 kg;
  • installation of polycarbonate glasses instead of conventional - up to 50 kg;
  • replacement of the battery on a lighter - 3-5 kg;
  • bumpers, hood and trunk of composite materials - in the amount of up to 100 kg;
  • replacing factory seats on sports - from 45 kg;
  • dismantling conditioner - up to 30 kg;
  • installation of a sports tank - up to 10 kg.

As can be seen, almost all ways of weighing or directly affect the level of comfort (riding without air conditioning or a washer), or require substantial costs. Buying a sports tank, replacing the seats or the purchase of a composite carbon hood - the pleasure is not cheap. A weight saving in this case is hardly exceeded 200 kg.

Replacement disks as the most efficient weighing option

Replacing cast or steel disks into forged gives just a striking effect. Approximately 20% lighter than cast, besides, they give a significant change in the undercorns and unsophisticated masses. In practice, such an example: a steel disk to BMW 7 weighs about 9 kg, and forged - 6.8 kg. Replacing the discs on all four wheels reduces weight by 8.8 kg, but from the point of view of the dynamics, the effect of such as if we unloaded a car by 352 kg (proportion of 1 to 40). At the same time, all the nodes and aggregates remained in place, the car has become more fast, managed and maneuverable. And if necessary additional load leading wheels (at the front-wheel drive), put wrought-iron discs on rear wheels And we get the same effect as when weighing weight by 176 kg.

Probably, many of you at least once heard such a thing as a car rave. Here, of course, it is clear that we are talking about the distribution of weight along the axes, but as it is done and why it is necessary, I have always remained in question. The other day it was not too lazy to climb on the network and to give the information that I am now with you ...

Running the car along the axes - Distribution of the entire cutting mass of the car (the mass of a fully refilled and equipped car, i.e. in a state ready for movement) between the front and rear axles. You can evenly distribute the weight on the front and the back of the car with the adjustment of the angle of inclination of the entire car into one of the sides: forward or backward. In this case, improved or degraded car handling and compliance is not guaranteed. technical characteristicsstated by the manufacturer of the vehicle. Also change the car's waving can be by removing serial body details, power aggregates and nodes. Or, on the contrary, their replacement to lighter analogues. Setting up weaving is very important for disciplines such as a Differ, because pilots have to directly manipulate the mass of the car while driving. But the pilots of other disciplines do not neglect her.

Many of us believe that in order to force the car to go faster, you must first go into the engine. Partly this is right, but as you have already noticed, this post is not completely about the motors. First of all, you need to think about excess weight Auto. In TCP, the mass of the car is indicated, but it does not always correspond to reality, because there. If the machine is only from the conveyor, then yes, they are correct, if not, let's understand ...

Para-triple speakers, radio, amplifier, subwoofer, engine protection, stabilizers, a pair of anticorre kilograms, mats in the cabin, covers, rosary on the rearview mirror, kilogram potatoes in the trunk, etc. - All this at the factory no one thought. The manufacturer indicates the weight of the car at the factory, how much it will weigh during operation he just can not know.

The actual weight of the machine at the moment can be found only on specialized automotive scales, the main property of which is the possibility of not only to learn the absolute weight of the machine, but also the weight coming on each wheel individually, which allows you to accurately make weight. A simple inhabitant is most likely not needed, but those who set up a car for specific purposes: perfect handling, drift, permeability or maximum "tap at start" for racing drag and traffic lights is just necessary.

During the weighing of the car, you can understand why it constantly breaks through this or that whether one of them is desperately racing on the even and the same asphalt, why the drift is so difficult to control and keep the car, and other utility, as well as make the suspension configuration, which will help improve Handling due to the optimal balance of the chassis.

Interesting fact: The scatter between the wheels can sometimes reach 100 and more kg. If you do not engage in tuning, the weight on each of the wheels can be balanced by adjusting the screw racks!

The benefit from the knowledge of the weight distribution is no less, and maybe even more than from the knowledge of the exact power of its engine. And in the end - the weighing of cars is one of the main control procedures in motor racing.

Information, about the correct distribution of weight in the percentage ratio never found. Apparently, for each discipline, it is its own (discuss it in the comments to the post), but for drift is considered an optimal 50% weight per axis, respectively, 25% of the weight per wheel. Moreover, the weighing of the car occurs when pilot in the car, in full uniform. This allows you to achieve optimal weight on each wheel with the symbiosis of the machine and the rider.

Polasering over the network, I found more information that people are interested in rapting pistons and rods.

I am not strong in this area in this area, I will leave it for comments, but as I understood, the routing of rods and the pistons lies in the fit of these parts under one weight with an accuracy of the hundredth grams and, accordingly, their relief, albeit for a couple of grams. As well as their balancing and polishing, to go exactly according to a given trajectory and a millimeter in the side. Someone says that this will give the engine power, someone with foam at the mouth claims that the engine will live longer due to greater synchronization of parts. There are many theories, facts - not yet found. Of course, pistons and connecting rods can be bought in easier and more durable execution in specialized stores, but the hands of everyone will have to throw at least a little bit ...

P.S. Subscribe to updates, read my, leave comments. The topic of weighing the car and its units is pretty interesting. Therefore, I will be very grateful to additions, thoughts and dialogues.

Do not everyone know how much the car's behavior on the road is affected by his improvement. Meanwhile, in case of incorrect weight distribution over the axes, the car at some point can become unmanageable, which will lead to an accident.

Akin to "Standard" 90-60-90 is quite widespread the view is that ideally the weight of the car should be distributed equally between the front and rear axle. However, in fact, this ratio is unattainable, because it is enough to put a bag with potatoes in the trunk or put the passengers, and the center of the masses will inevitably shift. In addition, even a perfectly balanced car mass during the movement will redistribute, because the fuel is consumed, and the tank becomes easier.

In addition, it is not entirely clear where the standard 50/50 came from, if, for example, a rear-wheel drive car is desirable to load the rear axle as possible to improve the adhesion of the leading wheels with the road. With front-wheel drive machines, the situation is reverse. The only objective reason why mass on the axes should be distributed in equal proportions - uniform wear of the tires.

If driving on the car with not high speed in normal road conditions, the wave of 50/50 is really optimal. However, in practice, few people take an example from English Lords, which go very slowly, so that every passerby can consider in detail how well the body is polished and evaluate the cost of the car itself. So, what effect is the distribution of weight on the axes on different parameters of the machine?


Everyone knows that for dynamic overclocking, the drive wheels must be maximally loaded. Otherwise, with a large torque transmitted on them, they simply will break into the slip, and the engine potential will not be fully implemented.

Upon touching the center of the masses shifts back, and the front wheels are unloaded, and the shorter the base and above the center of the masses, the stronger it is manifested. Especially good is noticeable at the beginning of the movement in the mountain, the front-wheel drive car chance shave with the slip is much higher. Therefore, provided powerful engine The rear-wheel drive is always on the start ahead of the front-wheel drive.

W. all-wheel drive cars This phenomenon does not have such a noticeable impact, however, there are nuances here. Similar to that transmissions. The usual differential if the wheels are experiencing different loads, transmits all wheels the minimum torque corresponding to the least loaded wheel, and cannot provide quick overclocking. therefore sports cars Equipped with high friction differentials, as well as SUVs, but the latter such differential is necessary to increase the patency.


During braking, the center of mass of the car is shifted towards the front axle, loading the front wheels. If the bus tires and behind the same, it seems appropriate to unload the front axle somewhat, since the ordinary car braking is much more intense than overclocking.

High speeds

When the machine moves along the highway at high speed, aerodynamics begins a strong effect on her behavior. Depending on the forms of the body, the oncoming air flow can have both pressed and lifting effects on the body. If in the first case there is no problems, then the control is significantly deteriorated in the second.

A typical example is the Vazovskaya "Classic" having aerodynamics of bricks. The incident flow is almost at right angles with the car, behind it creates a vacuum area, and the front part begins to raise.

You can solve the problem in two ways:

  1. to load the front axle of the car more stronger;
  2. install additional aerodynamic elements.

In the first case, the dynamics of the machine on low speeds - The drive wheels will slip with any attempt to set gas. It is preferable to install the front spoiler to neutralize the lift.


Many are familiar with such a concept as wheel injury angles. Briefly, the angle of the side of the wheel is an angle that is formed between the direction in which it is rotated and the actual direction of movement. The correct balance of the corners allows you to achieve the desired turning (neutral, redundant or insufficient) from the car.

The stability of the machine is influenced by many factors:

  • kinematics suspension;
  • tire dimension;
  • pressure in them, etc.

The voluntary of the car is played not the last role.

The pattern is simple: the stronger the front wheels are loaded, the higher the stability. The main thing is to ensure the balance between stability and turning, since a sustainable car with great difficulty fits into turns.

In fairness it should be noted that not only the weight distribution, but also the ratio of the wheelbase to the width of the rut. A typical example is a three-door "Niva", which large speeds You have to constantly "catch" on the road.


Weaving has a strong effect on the ability of the car to overcome difficult places. However, each particular car in each case requires a different ratio. So, by car with front drive for riding loose snow It is necessary to load the drive wheels more stronger, while on the loose ground it is necessary to unload the front axle and load the back.

So some general recommendations According to ideal wealth, it is not possible. The car must have the ability to change the position of its center of gravity. Actually, working on such cars was conducted, and created experienced specimenswhose body could move relative to the frame under certain limits. It was necessary to abandon their mass production due to too high costs.


All of the above is true for this type of vehicles. However, in the case of trucks, another factor is essential - the maximum load on the axis. At different parts of the roads, as well as bridges, it can be limited to road signs.

The mass of the truck is distributed in such a way that its main part falls on rear axle (or bridges). For example, at the triboth cargo car KAMAZ-65111:

  1. the front axle accounts for "total" 3.3 tons in a curb condition and 6.2 tons with a maximum allowable load;
  2. the total rear axles account for 6.8 tons in the curb state, and at full load - 19.2 tons.

At the same time, the bulk of the empty machine accounted for the middle axis.

Quite often, the constructors of equally download all truck bridges. This is done just so that the car passes according to the maximum load on the axis where this parameter is limited.

According to the existing classification, the roads in Russia are divided into 5 categories

Signs of separation trucks on groups

What roads allowed movement (+ allowed, is forbidden)

Runs of pistons and rods

The correct weight distribution is important not only for the entire car, but also for individual nodes, in particular, the connecting rod-piston group. This concept implies that all the details must have the same or as close as possible.

Proper weighing pistons and connecting rods ensures more even operation of the motor and the best reaction to the press of the gas pedal. It should be noted that the lighter row-piston groupThose at more favorable conditions the engine works. Even a small discrepancy of weight leads to uneven wear of parts and uneven operation of the power unit.

The attention is paid to this issue in two cases:

  • with engine boil;
  • when performing tuning.

If in the first case it is often possible to do only with new piston ringsIn the second front, the front of the work implies the replacement of pistons, fingers, rings and connecting rods. New details will be useful to weigh electronic weights to identify possible discrepancies in weight. When discovery should be neutralized.

If the pistons have a different weight, you can neatly strain the metal with the inside of a heavier piston, focusing on the easiest of the group. Another method to make weight pistons the same requires special equipment and consists in sputtering metal. Then the focus is the most difficult item.

By performing routing rods, you should know that they do not just need to weigh the same, but also have the same center of mass. If you lose this moment from sight, the engine will not be balanced, which is guaranteed to shorten his life. Weaving rods are performed by spraying metal.