As usual, rummaged in a big pile of a spacious Runet. Ran into this article. I am generally not a follower of stereotypes, all sorts of silly social research. But in this article, something definitely is. After all, after the acquisition, each at least on trifles individualizes its car. Next, copy-paste articles:

It is believed that the dogs are very much reminded by their owners. This opinion is the same faithful as the fact that the car is similar to its owner.

Often people acquire cars not on the basis of their social status. This happens rather at an unconscious level, and the choice of the car depends on the internal state of the person. Of course, this applies, above all, to the category of lucky, which can not choose from affordable, but from the desired one.

So let's start in size. If a person wants to buy big car, according to psychologists, it can talk about the desire of this individual to personal expansion. In other words, a person wants to be larger than he is in reality or seeks to focus on its importance.

This in some cases is a way to compensate for any unsatisfied aspirations and desires or unfulfilled plans.
And it happens that a person who does not bust the disadvantage of funds gives preference to small cars. Perhaps in this case it speaks of its low self-esteem.

A color gamma plays an equally important role. Here we will not consider lovers of "practical" color. It is believed that if the motorist prefers one or another color, then this color is not enough in his life. He is possible methods Will strive to fill this drawback. If you say short, it looks like this.

If preference is given to red, it characterizes a person as an instinctive nature, loving to declare himself in constant motion.

Orange color symbolizes sexual energy and desire for it.

Yellow grade was considered the color of the sun. The owner of the yellow car can be described as a man of sunny, but at the same time prone to commanding. After all, the sun is the center of the Universe.

Green can be called the color of warmth, calm, heartiness. If we talk about the shades of this color, then the light green is considered to be the color of summer, and a dark green or marsh speaks of non-expressed emotions and feelings.

Blue color most often prefer people who love or want to talk, chat.

Blue color has always been considered the color of the mind. Car motorists perceive the world Not through feelings and emotions, but through the head.

Purple color choose people prone to creativity, sophisticated nature. They perceive the world to a large extent with the help of intuition.
White is unifying color. People who choose it are endowed with all the qualities and preferences. In addition, white lovers are adherents of purity.

Black I. gray colors Mostly choose people who are not loving to stick out, preferring to remain invisible. For such people, psychology came up with the term "shadow figures". At the same time, they strive to manage the situation.

Now let's talk about the form, which can also tell a lot about its owner.

Some prefer angularity - element of design, which was distributed over several decades. This suggests that the principles and beliefs formed in the life of a person are of great importance, when the angularity was distributed. These motorists are opponents of all new trends.

Motorists, stopping their choice on modern design, feel good time, calmly part with installations and dogma, easily change something in your life. Mostly it is inherent in the younger generation.

The passion for tuning and frost points to the fact that the owner of the car carefully perceives all his life nuances and emphasizes his individuality.

There is a category of drivers who do not want to change anything in the exterior of the car, but all the forces are sent to the decoration of the cabin. This suggests a man's desire for comfort. Thrust to internal or external bells, can determine the human psychotype. So, people who direct their energy outward (extroverts) pay a lot of attention to the design of the body. Those who focus on their inner world (introverts), are engaged in mainly decorating the cabin, the creation of space, cute heart.

There are motorists who love to engage in the restoration of old cars. It can be assumed that, by restoring the apparatus, such people restore something in themselves. This is a kind of way of controlling life: a person becomes more confident if he manages to restore something.

Let us also dwell on the insignificant details that may indicate the age, the floor, as well as the owner's habits. So, for example, in youth, I want to live faster, so preference is given high-speed cars. And with age, the desire to live longer, you begin to think about security.

Beautiful half of humanity, choosing a car, also pay a lot of attention to security and security. But the "universal" prefer people economic.

Even such a detail as a gearbox can also say a lot about the owner of the car. People seeking to greatly manage their lives will keep their choice on standard mechanical box. Those who love comfort and in their lives rely only on circumstances, choose a machine.

As if we did not try to hide the features of our character, they will still be felt anyway, even when choosing a car.

Let's discuss the study of the next "British scientists"?